Today we welcome Weezy from the What Is Truth? podcast into the #LibertyRadio studio. He’s been at this independent media game for quite some time, so there’s no telling what nuggets of wisdom he has stashed away inside his own knowledge vault. Prepare yourselves mentally and physically for a Liberty Radio Interview unlike any other…
Tag: interviews
Liberty Radio Interview: Scott & Shelby from Unjected
Today we are joined in the #LibertyRadio studio by Scott and Shelby from Unjected — the world’s first dating site exclusively for people who have never received an experimental gene therapy injection for covid-19. Many of you also likely know Scott as the creator and host of independent media outlet Rebunked News. We’ve got a…
Liberty Radio Interview: Charlie Robinson
We get macroaggressive with the best-selling author of the Octopus of Global Control and the host of the wildly successful Macroaggressions podcast — Charlie Robinson joins us in the #LibertyRadio studio! We let Charlie get us all fact up, and then we got weird. Grab your favorite libation and settle in for this one —…
Liberty Radio Interview: Hrvoje Moric
Join us, along with the great and powerful Hrvoje Moric, in the Liberty Radio studio! We get the opportunity to sit down with the host and creator of the Geopolitics & Empire podcast — as well as the Hrvoje Moric Show on TNT Radio — to discuss the current state of clown world, the spectacle…
Liberty Radio Interview: Rantcast Chris
The host of the Rained Out Rantcast, and co-host of AM Wake Up, joins us in the #LibertyRadio studio tonight. Maybe we can talk him into hanging around for some Friday Night Open Lines action? You’ll just have to tune in to find out. Rained Out Rantcast Wake Up Support independent media…
Liberty Radio Interview: Uncle Hotep
Yes, I forgot to transfer the audio from Zoom to OBS at the beginning. Yes, I figured that out after about 5 minutes. The only part you missed was Unc talking about Demonrats ruining cities — the rest is solid gold! Join us as we are afforded the opportunity to sit down with one of…
Liberty Radio Interview: James Corbett of Kodomosan
Today we are joined in the virtual studio by one of the members of the band Kodomosan, James Corbett. Although most listeners are probably more familiar with him as the founder/proprietor of the Corbett Report website and archive. Geopolitics takes a back seat today so we can learn more about the James Corbett we rarely…
Liberty Radio Interview: Drew Missen
UPDATE: My sincerest apologies to anyone that attempted tuning in for the livestream. We encountered many technical difficulties during liftoff, but eventually got on the airwaves. At 6pm Eastern, Drew Missen joins us in the virtual studio from the penal colony of Australia to discuss all things covidland. And maybe some lighter subjects, too. Follow…
Liberty Radio Interview: DJ High Yona
DJ High Yona returns to the Liberty Radio interview stage, fresh from a 3-day visit to one of West Virginia’s most exclusive resort facilities. Yona’s links:YouTube The High Yona’s Grounded History GTW Liberty Radio media warehouse Reality Media Odysee link link link
Liberty Radio Interview: Dana From rottingjewels
From Tavistock to the False Memory Syndrome Foundation to Scientology to the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. there is a common thread that runs through all of these events and institutions. That common thread appears to be Dr. Louis Jolyon West, long regarded as one of the pillars of psychology in the 20th century. But…