I’m not gonna lie to you, today’s narrative is gonna take us to some pretty gnarly places, right from the start. This one is definitely not for the faint of heart. But then again, I imagine the regular subject matter of this blog kinda solves that problem most of the time anyway. Consider yourself forewarned….
the memory hole 8/11/21
“The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.” -F. A. Hayek Shameless Promotions First! Episode 40 is up if you missed it live on Sunday night. Available wherever better pod-catchers are sold. The longer the scam-demic drags on, the more the…
the memory hole 8/10/21
Well, we’ve been waiting for it, and I think it may have finally happened. Maybe… Let’s get to it. Legislating Apartheid While the rest of the Western world has been feverishly protesting the totalitarian actions of their governments and leaders, the United States has been watching the action unfold from the comfort and safety of…
the memory hole 8/9/21
“Every wish, every dream, every idea comes to existence only through blood, sweat and sacrifice.” -Ivan Moody Stoking the Flames of Revolution The world-wide protests against the looming bifurcation of society have not abated, despite the authoritarian tactics that have been employed by governments. Go figure. Turning our international spotlight toward Europe, ZeroHedge reports France,…
the memory hole 8/8/21
Well, my weekend has finally come to an end. Your results may vary, depending on how you choose to observe the illusion we commonly call time. I’m starting to see some patterns emerging in the weekend editions of the Memory Hole. If you’re paying close attention, then you might be picking up on them as…
the memory hole 8/5/21
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” -Thomas Sowell Alright, let’s get to it. Australia is an Attention Whore I found the last defiant resident on the island continent. You’re never gonna believe it, but he’s actually a senator from Queensland. We need to introduce this cat to Rand…
the memory hole 8/4/21
The newest episode of Grand Theft World dropped literally minutes after yesterday’s post was published. So if you didn’t catch it Sunday night, you can find it on the GTW website, or wherever better pod-catchers are sold. In addition to the site, the GTW community also hosts a Discord server for members where you can…
the memory hole 8/3/21
It could be complete bullshit, but one of my followers in the social ghettos pointed out that we missed a holiday yesterday with all of this insanity going on. Happy belated National Boob Day, everybody! Now that we’re properly distracted, let’s get to it. Technocracy Manifesting You may have heard that the creator of Black…
the memory hole 8/2/21
Some Men Just Want to Watch the World Burn I know quoting dialogue from Batman movies is cliché, but does that really matter when the very fabric of social cohesion seems to be disintegrating? Probably not. Let’s get to it. Protests in Germany turned violent yesterday as police attempted to disperse “spontaneous” anti-lockdown demonstrations. Hundreds…
the memory hole 8/1/21
History is Manufactured Every Single Day The corporate media would have you believe not that much of interest happens on the weekends. As with the rest of their product, nothing could be further from the truth. Let’s get to it. While it appears that heads may be about to roll again in France, other parts…