I want to start today’s post with a heads up: upon logging into the site this morning, I was greeted by a bunch of notifications and messages that I haven’t yet seen in the 6 months this blog has been in existence. I have no idea what WordPress did in the background overnight, but now…
Dancing In The Eye Of The Storm
My apologies for publishing late today, if that happens. As has become usual for Tuesday nights, we had an amazing conversation going in the Grand Theft World town hall, and that conversation found it’s way into the morning hours before any of us really realized it. Needless to say, I’m a little behind schedule today….
Sleepwalking Into A Police State
In my opinion, the United States has been fulfilling the title of today’s post since at least the 2000 Presidential selection, and probably even earlier than that. You remember that, right? It was the first time in my lifetime that the people were demonstrably removed from the selection process so the correct puppet could be…
Flipping Switches & Punching Buttons
I have to admit, there are days when I wake up and think to myself “what if there’s nothing to write about today?” Or “what am I gonna do if there’s nothing interesting in the news?” That’s usually about the time I remember that we live in COVID Clown World, and there’s never a shortage…
Ordo Ab Chao, Mate
Welcome back to the Hole, brave readers and individual liberty lovers! I hope your weekend has been more enjoyable than the predator class would normally allow as legal. Last week was undoubtedly one of the most perplexing in the scam-demic thus far. While the entire world was apparently focused on a small patch of ground…
Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves
“The word fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies “something not desirable”… It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it; consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using…
Can You See the Writing on the Wall?
Even I have to admit there was a time when I reacted to the garbage being pushed by the corporate media and their handlers with the predictability of a Pavlov canine. But at some point, I managed to figure out that I had been conditioned into these reactions a long time ago. Eventually, and with…
It’s All About the Jabby-Jabs
You know what happens on Tuesdays. Before we kick off the carnival side show that is COVID Clown World, we take a moment to let everybody know that the new episode of the most important podcast in the known universe is available for watching, listening, or however you choose to infuse your brain with information….
You’ll Eat Bugs and Be Happy
Did you have a chance to absorb any of the 8-hour FDA hearing before it was effectively scrubbed from social media? If not, I’ll try to find a viable link this week and post it to the links page. There were some entertaining and highly spicy moments from the physicians that participated. I found myself…
Breeding Cancer for Fun & Profit
Welcome back to the Hole, free-minded peoples of Plantation Earth! I’m glad we were all able to find our way back, more or less in the same condition we left each other in. The onslaught of the predator class continues unabated, and today we’re gonna turn it up to Spinal Tap levels with 11 links…