What goes up must come down. Isn’t that how the song goes? The problem is — who is footing the bill for the carbon credits of these planes that keep dropping out of the sky? Won’t somebody please think of the children?! That’s not our job, so stop looking over here. Pre-show begins at 8PM…
Liberty Radio New Music Potluck 65
What’s better than a Wednesday night in covidland chocked full of new music? Why that would be the cherry on top that we call Mystery Babylon! And tonight we get our second helping of the Rose Cross College, courtesy of the great & powerful Prof. Cooper. I think we will leave Wednesday’s schedule the way…
2 Hours From The Vault Feb 11 2025
Just because it’s a soggy-ass Chews-day in the Piney Woods doesn’t mean you have to shake it all off in the mudroom. Bring your favorite tracks to the show tonight and drop them into the live stream chat — detritus and all!! It’s your chance to take over the #LibertyRadio airwaves and play whatever you…
Friday Night Open Lines Feb 7 2025
TGIF!! Oh wait — we’re still in covidland, aren’t we? Dammit. Oh well, might as well sound off and let us know what’s on your mind tonight? Lines open at 10PM Eastern, which gives you just a few short hours to decide what needs to get off your chest the most. Please somebody call in…
Get Fact Harder 58
The only thing better than power is unlimited power — according to some parasite, I’m sure. We might go looking for the author of that quote, or we might just let you do it yourself. The power is definitely flowing in the Ohio Valley today, so no reprieves this week for the simple-minded. 10PM Eastern…
Liberty Radio New Music Potluck 64
I think right about the time we arrive at the Ides of March is when our Mystery Babylon lecture series will conclude (give or take a week). That means it will only have taken us the better part of a year to make it through the entire series. Bonus points will be awarded upon completion…
2 Hours From The Vault Feb 4 2025
We’re back to play more of YOUR requests than anybody else — regardless of the names the provocateurs of independent media continue calling us. You’d think they would figure out sooner or later that they only thing they have accomplished is helping our audience grow even larger. I guess they’re just not that intelligent after…
Friday Night Open Lines Jan 31 2025
Let’s kick this month square in the nuts and get it the fuk out of here! Old Man Winter can get some of that if he wants, too. What’s on your mind tonight? Call up and let us know. Pre-show begins at 8PM Eastern — then we take YOUR calls from 10PM to Midnight. Rumble…
Get Fact Harder 57
Another week in covidland brings another damn good reason not to set foot on an airplane (or helicopter) anytime soon. Personally, we’re more interested to see who will be celebrating the 92nd anny of that one Chancellor of Germany (we would name him but we know the AI is watching so…). Any takers? Elon?? Pre-show…
Liberty Radio New Music Potluck 63
We’ve got full service for those earholes tonight (and we don’t wanna hear shit any rules after slaving away in a hot kitchen all day)!! Plus, we continue our Mystery Babylon education in the 4th hour tonight as we begin to put a nice shiny bow on all the data points collected thus far. Pre-show…