This is quite possibly the most difficult blog post I have had to write to date. Maybe that is as it should be. When I started this website almost a year ago, I had absolutely no clue what I was doing. I had never built a website before. I had never had any of my…
Author: thedrizl
Burning Down The House
Welcome back, fearless readers! It has been an extraordinary couple of days in Covidland, hasn’t it? The homeland of Adolf Hitler is repeating the mistakes of its most famous son. The Constitution of the United States is under an assault that grows in intensity with each passing day. And the cognitive dissonance of the average…
The Great Bait & Switch
There’s no time for philosophical musings or witty anecdotes – we’ve got actual business to get down to in today’s post. For everyone that might have missed the previous announcements, you now have the ability show your love for Manufacturing Reality Media and the work that we do with a monthly or annual membership over…
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Now that the Rittenhouse trial has entered the jury deliberation portion of the proceedings, I imagine we are all supposed to be cowering in fear of the civil unrest the corporate media has been desperately attempting to program into our collective subconscious. As I have stated previously, I haven’t been glued to the screen –…
Why We Fail
Isn’t it interesting how opinions on a subject can shift based upon very small amounts of information? While I’m not specifically trying to highlight what has become the most watched trial in the United States since the O.J. circus of the 90s, this case in Kenosha has illuminated the glaring bias of the corporate media…
Games Predators Play
Some days are definitely easier than others when it comes to constructing a narrative that runs counter to what is being produced by the corporate media. There are days when little effort is needed to connect the various data points, and the story seems to magically write itself. There are other days where nothing wants…
Focus On The Good Things
I want to start today’s post by taking a moment to thank everyone who showed up to last night’s Grand Theft World Town Hall, even though I imagine many of the participants are probably not going to read this. It was the largest group that I can remember being a part of since I started…
History Eats Itself
So there was supposed to be this nationwide workers strike in the United States as of yesterday, Monday the 8th. How many of you were aware that this was even a thing, let alone that the organizers were claiming support from every major sector of the economy? While outlets like OANN and the Epoch Times…
It’s Like Squid Game, But In Real Life
Over the course of the last several weeks, I have had a number of people ask me what the purpose of this blog is. And I have had no minor amount of difficulty in attempting to explain it. Originally, I had started with an idea to write about subjects that I was interested in, and…
The Cure For Mortality
The one part of the news cycle the predator class can always rely on to provide cover for their schemes is selection time. It really doesn’t matter where on the calendar it happens to fall. They know that their Renfields in the corporate media will be busy spinning up the public’s outrage over the results…