One of the concepts the general public still struggles to comprehend is the fact that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Time spent occupying the public consciousness via the corporate media will always lead to a payoff somewhere down the line, regardless of how negative the perception of events may have been engineered to be. That is one of the primary functions of propaganda, after all – not necessarily to make you think warm, fuzzy thoughts about something deleterious; but to keep it in the forefront of your mind and force you to devote time and attention to thinking about it. Your feelings on the matter are irrelevant.
Is anybody else thinking that Zuckerborg must be happier than a pig in shit right now? Never mind, he’s gotten enough free publicity this week. There’s more important thing to learn about today, so let’s get to it.
Sailing The Seas Of Greed

Is there really any way to know for certain that a market implosion is imminent? I would contend that there is, especially if you happen to be one of the people working behind the scenes to make it happen. When you start seeing the biggest rats flee a ship that appears to be taking on more water with each passing moment, I would call that a pretty good indicator. In case you missed this totally obvious signal. ZeroHedge reports Soros is Cashing Out of Stocks, Putting Some Capital Into Cryptocurrencies. However, if George could spare us a moment of his invaluable time, I’m certain he would tell us it’s nothing to be concerned about… Now where are the life preservers located?
Indeed, it would appear that the global financial waters are beginning to roil as the market ripple effect rages on in Europe with energy supplies and prices fluctuating wildly from one day to the next. But fortunes can still be made in a rigged game, as ZeroHedge tells us EU Politicians Panic As Natgas Prices Explode 40% Overnight; and Dominos Fall As Germany’s Largest Ammonia Producer Slashes Output Amid Energy Crisis. I’m gonna go out on an extremely flimsy limb and say exploding food prices will be the next domino to get kicked over by the predator class. But what do I know? I’m just a crazy conspiracy therapist on the interwebs.
The Inmates Are Getting Restless
In case you have been wondering, this is what Build Back Better World will look like everywhere once the predators are finished.
I’m definitely not the first to say it, but it appears Australia is no longer a free country – if it ever was to begin with. Act accordingly, Aussies.
Even Kiwis are getting fed up with being pushed around by cowards and tyrants.
And now Amsterdam is getting froggy. Maybe the FOMO finally got to them?
Turning The Worm Manually
The only explanation that I can offer for this growing public unrest is that the palpable fear of the alleged virus must be beginning to wane. Oh – and everyday more people seem to be snapping out of their media-induced hypnotic trance. Fortunately for the predator class, they already war-gamed for this possibility. In a new piece for the Centre for Research on Globalization, Ethan Huff explains Now Anyone With Any Disease in Alberta Can Be Counted As a “COVID” Case. Now that’s what I call convenience. This sets the stage perfectly for the rollout of COVID-22 in a few months. No, I’m not joking about that.
The latest coof numbers out of one of the most jabbed states in the U.S. are no joke either. We see you, Vermont; doing your best to prove Dr. Robert Malone right.
Finally today, if you require more evidence that the United States is sliding rapidly into an authoritarian dystopia, Reclaim the Net has got you, fam. In this day will live in infamy news, Didi Rankovic tells us Secret Warrants Against Google Search Terms Are on the Rise. I guess this makes it official. In the land of the meek and the home of the slave, you are now considered guilty… period. But don’t worry, law enforcement will be so much easier once everyone gets their implanted brain-chip. What’s the hold-up, Elon? Lives are on the line here.
Holy crap, y’all! My apologies for all the gnar today. I don’t write the news, though; I just relay it – and ridicule it. And hope that makes it at least a little bit more entertaining.
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And don’t forget to do all of the things – like, share, & subscribe! It really is something simple you can do to help us out. And it drives the AI nuts.]
P.S. Today we have a bonus link for everyone who made it this far. An anonymous researcher in Germany has been tracking scam-demic data points since the beginning of the world-wide shit show, and has released a 170-page pdf illustrating all the connections between governments, NGOs, individuals, and funding sources they have managed to uncover. I stumbled across this document yesterday – I can’t remember where – and decided to share it with you so that we might process it a bit faster. You may be able see things in it that my mind will overlook. One of my rules of thumb is more eyes equals more insight.
I would advise downloading it before it gets scrubbed. Have at it!