Welcome back to the Hole, brave readers and individual liberty lovers! I hope your weekend has been more enjoyable than the predator class would normally allow as legal. Last week was undoubtedly one of the most perplexing in the scam-demic thus far. While the entire world was apparently focused on a small patch of ground in New York City that hasn’t been the target of repeated terrorist attacks, anxiously awaiting the life-saving proclamations that may emerge from the mouths of world leaders, most of the coverage that made it onto screens was just more gaslighting and misdirection. Or did I miss something from the United Nations coverage?
Anyway, there’s lots of words to type today, and not nearly enough time to justify wasting any of it. So let’s get to it.
All Work & No Jab Makes Jack A Criminal
In a bold move, Italy has chosen to circumvent the idiocy of “no jab, no job” by jumping straight to a policy of “no jab, no pay,” with fines planned for un-jabbed individuals who decide to show up to work anyway.
Nothing fascistic about that, Italy. At least we can count on the United Kingdom to buck the EU and their desire to shape the future for all Europeans with or without their consent. That was what Brexit was all about, right? Writing for Reclaim the Net, Ken Macon details UK Considering Joining EU Vaccine Passport Scheme, Reports Say. Judging by the protests that have already occurred in the U.K., I have a hard time believing the people will stand for this. We may soon be prevented from seeing scenes out of Britain like what we’ve been prevented from seeing out of Australia.
But progress waits for no nation, and a universal international ID architecture is one of the pillars of Agenda 2030. It only needs to appear to be thrown together and poorly executed. That is what will spark the public outcry of “something must be done to fix this!” Never mind that the public never asked for it – or even wanted it – in the first place.
However, the struggle continues in the EU to maintain the credibility of the jab narrative and its associated vaxxpass. On the heels of the Croatian president suspending the vaccination program in his country, Great Game India informs us Romania Opens Investigation Into How COVID Vaccines Were Acquired And Shuts Down Its Vaccination Centers. Not because everyone in the country has been jabbed, but because nobody seems to want the poison death shots. This is definitely a step in the right direction as far as bodily sovereignty is concerned, but I have a feeling these less powerful European nations will be increasingly subject to tremendous economic and political pressures in the coming months for speaking out of turn.
It’s For Your Own Good
As a new day dawns in the southern hemisphere, Australia is still a penal colony.
And now it appears that predictive policing is also being trialed in the land locked-down under.
But why should the government in Australia have all the authority-abusing fun? The United States has long been the standard-bearer for institutional hypocrisy, as evidenced by the recent actions of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Not allowing themselves be outdone by anybody, ZeroHedge reports on the latest round of regulatory insanity in the article Never Say Neigh: FDA Lists ‘Horse Drug’ as Approved COVID Treatment. I bet even Joe Rogan is scratching his bald head trying to figure this one out.
For those of us that have spent a considerable amount of their lives watching the orchestrations of the predator class, institutional chaos is known to be an accepted means of facilitating a desired outcome. It should come as no surprise then, as Information Liberation’s Chris Menahan points out, that the FBI’s ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Cases Have ‘More Than Doubled’ Since They Wildly Expanded the Definition of ‘Domestic Terror Threats’. Again, this should shock absolutely nobody with a working knowledge of Hegel. This would be the perfect crisis to allow the creation of a new law enforcement agency in the Unites States. Or maybe the expansion of one already in existence, but with a presently limited jurisdiction.
After all, we’re going to need some sort of authoritative bureaucracy to enforce all of the new red flag laws. The NDAA continues to fulfill its purpose as the ultimate Trojan horse for government overreach.
What’s Not Said Is Often More Important Than What Is
The predator class has always camouflaged the control structures they want to implement under the guise of reform in the name of the public good. For instance, everyone agrees that decentralization is the way forward, right? We should all be wary of the kindness of the world’s billionaires, as Rick Findlay exposes Project Liberty is a Decentralized Internet Project Funded by Billionaire Frank McCourt in his latest piece for Reclaim the Net. I would recommend paying particular attention to the organizations that have thrown their financial support behind this initiative – most notably the Ford Foundation and the Aspen Institute.

While there was a lot of news that emanated from the United Nations last week, there was unsurprisingly little coverage of the World Food Systems Summit. That was clearly by design. Featured by Consortium News, Nils McCune and Camila Escalante provide us some of the history behind how the U.N. Food Summit Taken Over by Corporations & Gates. Bill Gates, that is. So far, very little information has trickled out from the meeting in New York last Thursday. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what materializes over the next couple of weeks and months.
Finally today, Off Guardian provides us with a sobering reminder of the power of mass psychosis from less than a hundred years ago. How many of the lessons presented in this documentary have we actually learned?
I often remember a quote, which I think has been mis-attributed to Winston Churchill, that if you’re going through hell you should keep going. I pull that quote out of my own back pocket most often whenever I start feeling overwhelmed by whatever task I am trying to accomplish at that moment. It reminds me that other people have found themselves in similar difficult positions, and have managed to work their way though it. If they hadn’t, we wouldn’t have the quote. I know sometimes people just spew random garbage from their cakeholes – let me have this illusion for now to make a point.
It also causes me to reflect on the events that were occurring at the time the quote was coined. I would imagine that the people who were living through the atrocities of the World War II era were likely confronted – on an almost daily basis – with the perception that life as they had always known it was ending. And whatever was being birthed into the world may have appeared completely horrific. Not too terribly different from what I would imagine many of us are currently experiencing – on an almost daily basis.
Many of the people of that era succumbed to the idea that there was nothing they could do to change the events they were witnessing, and submitted themselves to the will of others. Many other people decided for themselves to reject what was being imposed upon them, and chose instead to insert themselves into the conversation to see what kinds of change could be accomplished. It seems to me that we are at another one of those pivotal points in history. However, this is not news to most of my readers.
Regardless of the chaos that we may perceive to be around us, we still have the opportunity to create a better world for all humanity. Even with all of the points of leverage the predator class have engineered against us. Keep working on your corner of the world, and my promise to you is that I will keep working on mine. That is how we will ultimately be able to defeat this system of global debt slavery – by giving our time and energy to those pursuits that will enrich all of our lives, not just the privileged few.
To that end, I may have some new content offerings to announce in the near future under the Manufacturing Reality Media banner. Stay tuned for that.
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