Just taking a moment to let you all know that I am currently working on a follow-up piece I am intending to supplement and expand what we observed from the behavioral trials in Asch, Milgram, and the Stanford Prison.
I have narrowed the subject material down to 4 additional studies; however, because I was completely unfamiliar with some of these studies prior to the start of this project, additional research is required which is consuming more time than I had previously expected. While I have yet to commit myself to any sort of formal publication schedule, I am aware that a precedent has already been set by the timeline of previous publications. In short — I am working on something, and will share that product when it is ready.
In the meantime, if you find yourself starved for something new to analyze and ponder, I would recommend the recently published You can’t win. Don’t even try! by independent researcher James Corbett. James does fantastic work, and the information he presents falls right in line with the subject matter I have been pouring over these last couple of weeks. I would also recommend bookmarking James’ website (linked above). It contains a wealth of information that may prove difficult to locate elsewhere.
You can also avail yourself of the newly created “the memory hole” page here at manufacturingreality.org to waste some time until publication. Or don’t. The choice is, ultimately, yours to make.