So there was supposed to be this nationwide workers strike in the United States as of yesterday, Monday the 8th. How many of you were aware that this was even a thing, let alone that the organizers were claiming support from every major sector of the economy? While outlets like OANN and the Epoch Times took off running with the story, they neglected to provide any details – or even footage – of the alleged hundreds of thousands said to be taking part in the protests. At least, I haven’t stumbled across it if they did.
Maybe this is one of the reasons why more people are abandoning the corporate media every day in favor of the independent media – even the alleged “right-wing” media. While viewership for mainstream outlets continues to circle the drain, more eyes and ears are turning to platforms like Grand Theft World to find out what is happening in the world around them. Why? Because Rich and Tony aren’t beholden to the whims of advertisers like Big Pharma or the “Defense” industry. If you missed the one year anniversary broadcast on Sunday night, the replay is up on the website and all of the other streaming platforms. Go learn you some.
And don’t forget about the GTW Town Hall tonight at 7pm Eastern Time, where we discuss all of things the corporate media doesn’t want you thinking about. It’s kinda like conspiracy therapy, only we don’t try to force mind-limiting substances down your throat in an attempt to “cure” you of improper thought. The only way to be a part of the discussion is to become a member, so stop missing out and become a contributor to the solution to tyranny today!
I think that’s all of the shameless promotions I’m obligated to for this week. Now that all of that is taken care of, let’s get to it.
Big Pharma Does Not Care About You
It appears the goalposts are being moved yet again in the land locked-down under. In a new article authored by the “Sydney Staff,” the Epoch Times reports COVID Boosters Likely to Be Annual ‘for the Foreseeable Future’ – Pharmacy Guild of Australia. I’ve stated it before, but I will repeat it again now – this was always part of the plan. Immunity by subscription is Big Pharma’s new business model, and they are determined for it to succeed whether you like it or not.
Meanwhile, in the United States, the Brandon regime reveals a little bit more of the roadmap to total authoritarian control. Do you believe that any of this is going to end without the public pushing back? Or maybe that is exactly what the predators want.
For some reason, I have serious doubts that the American people will remain complacent about their freedom of movement being restricted even further. Call it a hunch.
In I totally didn’t see this coming news, who had the square “NFL Quarterback Aaron Rodgers becomes the poster child for bodily autonomy” on their apocalypse score card? I certainly didn’t, but I also have the annoying habit of constantly drawing the short straw in the lot. If you missed the original broadcast interview with Pat McAfee, Great Game India highlights 9 Facts from Aaron Rodgers’ Explosive Vaccine Interview You Aren’t Allowed to Say. Maybe there are more critical thinkers out there than even I suspect? Pro-tip: start using the hashtag #WeAretheMajority in your social ghettos when speaking out against medical apartheid, and see if it catches on.
Big Brother Doesn’t Care About You, Either
Law enforcement agencies have been collecting and storing data on the public for decades. And they really don’t like it when you reveal their secrets to the public – or even when they reveal it themselves.
Government surveillance is in the process of being legalized by the European Union. Reclaim the Net’s Didi Rankovic exposes how – through new legislation – the EU is Proposing Blatant Mass Surveillance of Email and Chat Messages. I’m gonna make an educated guess and say most of the practices being proposed are likely already taking place, given what we already know about bulk data collection by various intelligence agencies. This would just make the majority of those practices legal, if not wholly accepted by a hoodwinked and grossly underinformed public.
While Big Brother continues building the digital gulag we will all eventually be incarcerated into, James Corbett ruminates on the Food Chain Reaction simulation, and what we can do right now to prepare for what seems to be an inevitability. Or at least what the predator class will attempt to perpetrate, based on their past history.
History does indeed appear to be circling back on itself, even if the veneer doesn’t look as if it is quite the same. Writing for the Foundation for Economic Education, Tom Mullen claims the Anti-Capitalism of the 20th Century is Back. Will the Story End the Same? We definitely have an opportunity in front of us to learn from the mistakes of the past, but only if we can muster the ability to recognize what is actually transpiring.
Why Settle For The Future They Want?
So how did we manage to allow things get to this point? Iain Davis continues tracing one of the routes. Spoiler Alert: This agenda has been progressing whether you have been paying attention to it or not.
Speaking of the predators’ agenda, last night during the taping of Liberty Radio Fenix and I discussed how public schools resemble factories intended to produce specific kinds of human beings. That episode will drop later today, and you will be able to hear for yourself exactly what we were talking about. But before that happens, take a gander at Arizona Christian University appearing to confirm our hypothesis. They don’t bother to answer our question of why, though.
Finally today, the advantage that the freedom-minded have on their side is human ingenuity. Ken Macon demonstrates this by sharing the story of an inventive method employed to sidestep unlawful mandates from tyrannical despots in his latest piece for Reclaim the Net – Scottish Club, Whose Profits Were Killed By Vaccine Passports, Finds a Loophole. Once again, the predators class’ debilitating lack of imagination and over-abundance of hubris is exposed by a resourceful entrepreneur.
Lather, rinse, and repeat of this club owner’s creativity will go a long way toward helping us climb out of the technocratic trap that has been laid. All of their resources will never be a match for our resourcefulness. If that’s not enough of white pill to get you started on your own journey of liberation from the looming Beast system of complete enslavement, keep tuning in. I’ll have more for you in future posts. Better yet, take advantage of the offers people are making to teach you how to do it. No government is ever going to provide you the education you need to escape its control.
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