Does it feel like a scene from the movie Groundhog Day to you yet? You remember that movie, right? Maybe you have even seen it recently. Bill Murray – hands down one of the greatest entertainers of any generation – plays a cynical weatherman from a local Pittsburgh station sent to cover the obligatory annual event in the nearby town of Punxsutawney. He becomes trapped in a time loop that forces him to relive the day over and over again until he discovers a secret about himself that was hidden in plain sight the whole time. At least, that’s what I got from it. It’s a fantastic story, even when you know about the rewrites the studio forced onto creator Danny Rubin’s brilliant original script.
The longer the scam-demic has dragged on, the more it has begun to feel like I am living my own personal screening of Groundhog Day. I see the same mistakes being made by the same people – over and over again, day after day – for 20 months or more and still counting. Sometimes, it is myself that I am observing making those mistakes – even at times where I know I should know better. Maybe that’s the point, but that’s not why we’re here today. Or if it is, we’ll have to address that matter later.
To me, it feels like we’re right back at the point where all of this madness in our world originally started. A new “variant” is being rolled out to cower the public and bring them to heel, just like the “novel virus” at the beginning of 2020. Government dominos around the world are falling in lockstep with each other at the scant news of the alleged pathogen. International travel is being shut down across the board… again. Public health “experts” are going back in front of the cameras to scare the living hell out of a bewildered and weary population to make them to comply with draconian control measures.
Haven’t we already lived through this movie? It certainly feels like we have, to me at least.
It’s The End Of The World As We Know It… Again
I almost didn’t write this post. After nearly 2 years of watching this narrative unfold, and paying attention to every single one of the logical inconsistencies, I would love nothing better than to walk away from the subject of the scam-demic altogether. I’m sure that – if you’re not already at the same point yourself – you are not too far behind me on that path. They won’t let us walk away, though. The predator class, I mean. They are determined to reach into every crevasse of our minds and ruin whatever they can find there. And they appear to have no intention of stopping anytime soon.
The news broke in America in the middle of the day on Thursday, November 25th. This also happened to be what we in the United States call Thanksgiving – an original American holiday. Even though these first 4 cases were “reported and recorded” by the nation of Botswana on Monday the 22nd. Somehow, this news managed to sit on a back burner until the middle of the holiday – when suddenly it became world-shattering international headlines. Now, maybe I’m getting old and a little punchy upstairs, but I still remember being instructed over the course of my entire life about how news organizations will literally cut each others throats to break a story. I mean, they have even made movies about it. But they sat on this news for 3 days. Ok… sure… whatever.
Never mind the fact that all four of the “reported infections” were in allegedly fully-vaccinated individuals, even though I still haven’t been able to verify which company’s vaccines these individuals had allegedly accepted into their bodies. Never mind the fact that the corporate media is also telling us that Africa has the lowest percentage of population inoculated against coronavirus of all the world’s continents – specifically, less than ten percent. Never mind the fact that we’re supposed to believe this “new variant” is highly transmissible, even though nobody in close contact with any of these four individuals registered a positive test.
Anyone with a couple of brain cells left to rub together should be able to see what the game is here. If you happen to fall outside those parameters, Kit Knightly sums it up succinctly.
But Wait, There’s More… And It Gets Worse
Africa has been the most glaring hole in the COVID narrative, as far as I am concerned. On a continent that has been economically decimated by Western multi-national interests, cutting-edge healthcare is essentially non-existent and disease is rampant. This is true even despite the efforts of organizations like the World Health Organization, GAVI, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Or maybe it is true because of the efforts of these organizations. I will let you make up your own mind about that. Either way, COVID has been a non-issue for Africa since the beginning of the scam-demic – which is an anomaly the corporate media would rather you didn’t notice.
This new COVID hotspot and its accompanying “variant” will undoubtedly be used to justify cracking down even harder on the general public in countries all over the world. That was the thought that entered my head on Thursday afternoon as I anxiously awaited a home-cooked turkey dinner and saw the first headline about the “new variant” enter my news feed. And it didn’t take long for that thought to begin bearing fruit, as within 24 hours ZeroHedge was reporting German Health Minister Calls for “Massive Contact Restrictions” to Fight COVID. If your have been playing along at home, then you already know that Germany has been flirting with a return to it’s authoritarian history.
The current German Health Minister Jens Spahn is now publicly advocating that only the “fully vaccinated and recently recovered” should be allow to participate in society. Perhaps nobody bothered to notify Herr Spahn that the 4 individuals the new “variant” was allegedly discovered to have infected were all reported to have been “fully vaccinated” themselves. The “good news” about the situation – according to Robert Koch Institute president Lothar Wieler – is this most recent round of fearmongering by German government officials has somehow managed to drive an increase in vaccinations by the German people.
At this point, I think I need to take a moment to clarify that – by no means – am I attempting to paint the people of Germany with a broad brush, or make some sort of allusion to the German people being responsible for the actions of their government. In many ways, modern Americans are much more compliant and obedient than modern Germans, or even those from recent history. And in the interest of full disclosure, I was born in the United States and my paternal great-grandmother – to the best of my recollection – was full-blooded German. With that said, there are some very disturbing developments emanating from that corner of the globe at the moment.
Going Back To The Top Of The Slide
The narrative that is being presented to the general public – and reports of events engineered by the corporate media in support of that narrative – is that the only way we will find an exit from this assault on our existence by the alleged virus and its sibling “variants” is to vaccinate harder. More shots in more arms. Everyone must accept the experimental gene therapy injections into their bodies or this will never be over. Never mind the fact that every measure that has been employed to “protect public health” has essentially been issued from the end of a metaphorical gun barrel. I mean, am I the only one who has noticed how much syringes resemble missiles?
The answer to that question is: I’m not. But the corporate media and their parasitic handlers don’t want you to know that there are more people in the world that see the same things you do than you would initially suspect. Plenty of people smarter than me have already figured out the game that is being played. Some of these people are leaders in their field, as Great Game India relays in COVID Vaccine Intended to Reduce World’s Population Without Anyone Suspecting Says Leading Doctor. And this leading doctor – who you have probably never heard of before – just so happens to be a family practitioner… from South Africa. I literally cannot make this stuff up, and could not write a more engaging piece of fiction if I tried.
You know what else also happens to be located in South Africa? You might want to sit down for this. In Johannesburg, not too terribly far from the country’s border with Botswana, is the Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Parasitic Diseases – the only Level 4 BSL facility on the entire continent of Africa, according to it’s own website. And obviously, we will be asked to believe this facility has absolutely no relation whatsoever to the new “variant” that has suddenly appeared – just mere miles away from this facility – on the only continent that has yet to experience any real effects at all from the alleged scam-demic.
If you were trying to write a novel about a world that had lost all sense of perspective, and just acquiesced to the whims of a class of ruling elite – even when it leads to the enslavement of every man, woman, and child – you would have a difficult time crafting a narrative any more fantastical than what we are being expected to believe on a daily basis. If you were to present this narrative to most production companies, you would likely be sent packing – and be told that no one could be expected to sit through a story so outlandish. I keep expecting the unbelievability of the narrative to force its total collapse; and the narrative weavers continue to double-down on their own absurdity.
If the people eventually rise up and scream that enough is enough, and no more hardship or insanity can be endured, will it be in time to prevent the atrocities many of us suspect are coming? Or are we destined to keep repeating the same story over and over until we finally get it right – like the character of Phil Connors in that movie from 1993? Unfortunately, I don’t think any of us have the easy answers to these questions yet. Or if somebody among us does, they have yet to speak up.
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