There’s no time for philosophical musings or witty anecdotes – we’ve got actual business to get down to in today’s post. For everyone that might have missed the previous announcements, you now have the ability show your love for Manufacturing Reality Media and the work that we do with a monthly or annual membership over at our Buy Me A Coffee page! My man Nick over in the United Kingdom jumped right on that opportunity as soon as it was announced, and we have nothing but massive thanks to express for Nick being courageous enough to support what he believes in. And we can all learn a valuable lesson from Nick’s example.
This is how we start building those parallel structures that will be integral to our survival in the near future and beyond. Instead of blindly spending your hard earned fiat or crypto on content created by soulless multi-national corporations and their over-paid automatons, consider transitioning those funds to your favorite independent content creators. You know, the people that actually add meaning to our experiences. And speaking of added meaning, the latest episode of Liberty Radio dropped right on schedule on Tuesday. Check it out, if you haven’t already.
Did I mention that we’ve got a lot to get to today? Well, we do – so let’s not waste any more time, and start getting to it.
You Get A Lockdown! And You Get A Lockdown! And You Get A Lockdown, Too!
It appears the selected leaders of Europe are starting to get antsy. It makes me wonder what information they may be privy to that the rest of us are not.
And as Italian governors are reportedly clamoring for medical apartheid, multiple police raids have taken place in Italian cities targeting alleged anti-movement license protest organizers. Because the corporate media will never let this story see the light of day, Chris Tomlinson and Breitbart provide us with the scant details in Italian Government Raids Homes of Anti-Vaccine Passport Activists. Does this mean Italy has come full-circle and is returning to its early 20th century roots?
Germany also seems to be growing nostalgic for their recent past. Or maybe the leaders of the country once known as Prussia are simply choosing to ignore their own history?
And while we’re on the subject of neighboring Austria, how have things been going since the imposition of medical apartheid there on Monday? About as well as you might expect.
And the fever that can apparently only be cured by authoritarianism continues to spread. Call me a crazy internet person, but there seems to be a pattern being established with “vaccination” rates and spiking coof cases. Have you spotted it yet? ZeroHedge reports 93%-Vaccinated Ireland Has Gone Back Into ‘Partial Lockdown,’ Including Midnight Curfew. Considering that these developments are the exact opposite of the outcome we were promised by the talking heads on screens and the greedy patent holders of Big Pharma, what good reason do we have for trusting what the corporate media and their government handlers tell us? I’m having trouble finding one. Your results may vary, but I highly doubt it.
The Storm On The Horizon
I would love to tell you that we are done with the gnarly details that have materialized over the past couple of days, but that would require me to lie to you. Which I just can’t bring myself to do, because then I wouldn’t be any different from the corporate media. Or the government, for that matter. That sound you’re currently hearing is the immense collective facepalm happening in the United Kingdom right now. Sorry, Nick – love ya, man.
And while we are somehow still supposed to believe that the draconian measures being imposed are about public health, one European country is literally instituting movement restrictions on the un-jabbed. Writing for the Foundation for Economic Education, Jon Miltimore plays the role of prognosticator with his new article No Gasoline Without ‘COVID Papers’? It’s Already Happening in Some Parts of the World. And this situation won’t remain limited to Slovenia for very long, as the rest of the world is about to find out.
Meanwhile, in the land locked-down under, the vassals of Despot Dan are letting him know what they think of his mandates. Something tells me it’s about to get really bloody in Australia, like French Revolution-style bloody. Call it a hunch.
Records Are Made To Be Manipulated
The most effective method that I have found for combating bad information is countering its claims with better information. There’s plenty of bullshit going around these days, so make sure you don’t fall victim to lazy opinions or propaganda. Featured by the Centre for Research on Globalization, Gerard Delepine examines the Trends in Mortality and Morbidity in the Most Vaccinated Countries – Twenty-One Proven Facts you can use to determine reality from fiction. If you arm yourself with knowledge, you stand a much better chance of surviving the assault of the zombie hordes of the corporate media.
Alright, pop quiz time: what happens when one third of your logistics infrastructure disappears overnight? In the United States, we may be about to find out the answer to that question.
There’s really no good way to transition to this next article, because the headline really tells the whole story. I don’t think I can even add anything to it. You may begin facepalming in solidarity with the U.K. now.
Cue Up The Great Narrative
I find it interesting that the more digging I do into the motivations behind the scam-demic, the more transparent those motives become. Indeed, it seems that nothing short of a global scam-demic would have allowed any of this nightmare we are currently living through to become reality. How convenient, then, for all of the patent holders. Pro-tip: bald and naked is the manner in which those responsible should be paraded through the streets prior to execution. Shoutout to Adam Curry.
While we are discussing the individuals responsible for the scam-demic and all of the suffering that has resulted from it, how many of you were aware that WEF President Klaus Schwab was holding a conference in Dubai at the same time that COP26 was imploding at the end of last week? Award yourself bonus points if you already know who else was invited to be on the panel.
Finally today – and apologies for the length of today’s post – most of us have been fortunate enough to exist during the most prosperous period of human history. At least in the so-called “Western” world. Many of us can already see that tougher times are waiting just up the road ahead of us. Returning to the Organic Prepper, Daisy Luther teaches us the lessons she has learned from her own Money Problems in America – Guilt, Shame, and Other Lies. There are many ways to measure wealth, and some of them come with more psychological baggage than others.
I promise we’re almost done here. I just want to take a moment to remind everyone in the DC Metro area that there is still time to secure your spot at the premier for Planet Lockdown this coming Saturday at the Coolfont Resort in Berkeley Springs, WV. Not only will you get to be among the first to screen one of the most important documentaries of the last several decades, you will also get to hang with me at during the panel discussion and wine reception after the screening! That’s a deal you can’t even begin to shake a stick at!
But wait… there’s more! I know for a fact that AV Dutch from the GTW and Media Monarchy communities will be in attendance as well. And rumor has it there might even be an appearance from Tony Myers himself! Ok, that’s actually more of a long-shot, but hey – do you really need more incentive than getting tipsy with me and Dutch? Wait – don’t answer that. I’m looking forward to it, and I urge anyone in the area that can to attend, and avail yourself of the good times that will undoubtedly be taking place.
Plus, the landscape at the resort is absolutely gorgeous – from what I have been told. This will actually be my first trip to the resort. And you can bet that – if you are too far away to attend – I’ll have a report ready for you on Sunday. In the meantime, keep your wits about you out there in Covidland.
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