Now that the Rittenhouse trial has entered the jury deliberation portion of the proceedings, I imagine we are all supposed to be cowering in fear of the civil unrest the corporate media has been desperately attempting to program into our collective subconscious. As I have stated previously, I haven’t been glued to the screen – as apparently many others have – anxiously awaiting the next moment of engineered outrage so that I can immediately rush to the social ghettos and scream it from the digital rooftops. But then again, I’ve also never been accused of being a compliant member of the herd – as faithful readers of this blog are likely already aware.
At this point, I’m not even certain that avoiding physical violence from those who perceive injustice being done is possible. The automatons who have pledged their allegiance to the corporate media narrative seem to have already internalized their marching orders. And if it’s not the acquittal of an alleged white supremacist murderer that sparks this powder keg, it will undoubtedly be some other crisis that is taken advantage of by the predator class – engineered or otherwise. We already know they will keep playing this game until each and every one of us decides to walk away from the table for good.
That is why projects like the time capsule known as Grand Theft World will continue until they are no longer necessary. More and more people every day are waking up to the reality that the world is not what they were taught it is by their parents and teachers. And until these people learn how to distinguish fact from fiction for themselves, we will continue to help guide them out of the cave. By the way, the new episode is up – and it’s a good one.
And it’s Tuesday, which means there will be another GTW Town Hall this evening at 7pm Eastern. Last week’s meeting went into the wee hours of the morning once again, and I imagine tonight’s discussion will be every bit as epic. But you can’t participate if you’re not a member, so join the community right now to get in on all the fun! You never know, we might just have Richard Grove join us for a second straight week. Stranger things have happened, and that’s just in the last seven days.
Coming Soon To A Hegemon Near You
One of the major headlines coming out of this past weekend was the imposition of medical apartheid in Austria, effectively locking the willfully un-jabbed out of many activities of daily life. Now another European nation has joined with Hitler’s homeland in demonizing the un-jabbed as ZeroHedge reports Latvia Bans Unvaxed Politicians from Voting, Suspends Pay. Not only are members of the national parliament of Latvia being prevented from voting or receiving compensation for their service, but the new mandate also applies to local government officials as well. It didn’t take long for the second country to start dancing to the predators’ agenda, did it?
Meanwhile, the corporate media wants you believe that neighboring Russia is some sort of maverick nation playing by its own rules. The truth, however, would appear to be the exact opposite of what they are portraying. Maybe we’re not supposed to realize that these nations are all using the same playbook?
Just like many parts of Russia, other European nations have already rolled out movement licenses under the cover of the scam-demic. In Rothschild-controlled France, booster shots are being added to the list of rules compliant little robots are expected to follow. Reclaim the Net’s Ken Macon tells us French Citizens Without Booster Shot Will Be Locked Out of Parts of Society. Just like Austria. Just like Latvia. Just like Israel. And soon, just like Australia and New Zealand. Is anybody else noticing a pattern yet?
New York City seems to be noticing it, and feeling a little bit of that FOMO.
Every Tool Can Also Be A Weapon
Somebody in one of the GTW Discord rooms asked for a comprehensive list of the athletes that have been dropping like flies lately – totally unrelated to the mandated jabby-jabs, of course. Funny how these things always seem to pop up soon after you ask for them – almost like it’s some kind of universal law or something. Writing for Not on the Beeb, Mark Playne compiles the Worldwide Surge of Sports People Suffering Sudden Health Issues and Death into one convenient and updated list. But don’t worry, Big Pharma has already assured us this has absolutely nothing to do with the experimental gene therapy injections that are being forced on everyone under the guise of “public health,” and you’re a naughty human if you even entertain the idea.
Of course, this is not the only method the predator class is employing to advance their depopulation agenda. They know that the best way to reduce the population now – and in the future – is to nip that problem in the bud, literally.
The weapons employed in the depopulation agenda come in many shapes and sizes – even things your normie friends would claim are impossible. Writing for the Centre for Research of Globalization, S. M. Smyth illustrates how they/them/those can employ Food As a Weapon – Starving Us Into Submission. And before you start thinking the repeaters of the corporate media have a point when they call people like me “conspiracy theorists,” take a moment to educate yourself about the Codex Alimentarius; which was created more than 50 years ago to control and direct the global food supply.
Speaking of the food supply, it is even becoming painfully apparent to adherents of even the most progressive mind-control that something diabolical may be afoot in the American grocery industry. Featured by the transparently leftist website Common Dreams, Brett Wilkins is absolutely shocked that a New Report on ‘Grocery Cartels’ Details Exploitative Retailer Monopolies. Although, I’m sure they are reserving their final judgements until “the science” is settled, like good little Bolsheviks.
Agenda 2030 Is Only A Milestone On The Road To Technocracy
You have heard of the Identification for Development(ID4D) program, right? You know, that program created by the World Bank and funded by Crown Corporation governments, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Omidyar Network?
If not, then maybe it’s time to start educating yourself about how the predator class plans to enslave the entire population of this planet. Spoiler Alert: they expect you to cover the costs. Writing for Reclaim the Net, Didi Rankovic exposes how American states will make sure Taxpayers Get the Bill for Apple’s Digital ID Card Feature Rollout. So not only will you be expected to submit your entire life to the whims of your technocratic overlords, you will also be expected to pay for the privilege. But it’s ok, Herr Klaus says it will make you happy.
Alright, now that I’ve got your attention – it is important to understand that the agenda is already further along than many of us would suspect. James Corbett outlines not only where we currently are in the global transhumanist ponzi scheme, but also where the road before us ultimately leads. To me, this seems like the perfect time to start opting out.
To close out today’s post, I have a little bit of housekeeping for us to contend with. As I have stated in previous posts, Manufacturing Reality Media has been exploring ways to expand the content offerings we produce to combat the corporate media narrative and the predator class agenda. I am happy to announce that exploration is beginning to return dividends in the form of not only new content, but also additional contributors.
While we are not yet ready to reveal what these new offerings will be, I wanted to share this news with the audience to keep you in the loop regarding changes that will be coming to this blog and website, as well as some of the other platforms we utilize for publishing. GTW: Liberty Radio is gaining momentum, and will be expanding in the near future. New research topics and articles will be making their way to this website soon. And there are many more exciting concepts we are developing to add even more value for all who find their way here.
As part of these changes – and in an effort to secure funding for future projects and expansions – membership options have been added to our Buy Me a Coffee page, which you can access through this link. Membership options will be expanded as projects warrant, so be sure to check back often to find out what kinds of interesting new things we are working on in the MRM family. It’s a great time to get in on the ground floor!
And as our evolution continues, so too does the publishing schedule for the Memory Hole. Since these new projects will require time, attention and energy to be brought to fruition, this blog will now be published three times a week – on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. The intent is that this new schedule will allow these other projects the inputs they need to get off the ground, take flight, and become whatever they will ultimately become – much like this blog did.
Finally today, I wanted to let members of the audience in the DC Metro area know that I will be making a trip to Berkeley Springs, WV this weekend for the premier of the documentary film Planet Lockdown – which you can find out more about at the film’s website. This is also where you can secure your ticket to join me at the premier and the panel discussion after. Apparently there will also be a wine reception, whatever that is. Full Disclosure: this is not an affiliate of mine, and I am not receiving any compensation for the promotion of this work. I merely think it is important to support the other independent creators who are using their voices and talents to stand up against the tyranny we all face.
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And don’t forget to do all of the things – like, share, & subscribe! It really is something simple you can do to help us. And it drives the AI nuts.]