Some days are definitely easier than others when it comes to constructing a narrative that runs counter to what is being produced by the corporate media. There are days when little effort is needed to connect the various data points, and the story seems to magically write itself. There are other days where nothing wants to enjoin easily with anything else, and trying to weave disparate articles together into some sort of chronicle of events feels nearly impossible. Today is a good example of the latter kind.
There are plenty of tidbits of knowledge included in the following links, but those tidbits are being obstinate in terms of organizing themselves into a story that writes itself. I guess that’s where my skills as a world-famous writer are supposed to come into the picture, right? Well, I suspect they are going to be put to the test with today’s links. The good part is you get to see the end result of that effort, without any of the frustration of making it happen.
“Fail faster, succeed sooner” is the quote that keeps finding it’s way into that little voice in the back of my mind, so let’s get to it.
A Child Shall Lead Them
Leave it to an 8-year-old girl to do what the majority of adult Americans are either too timid or too complacent to even begin contemplating. I would recommend sharing this first story with your extra-sheepish friends and family members – gently, of course. If a little girl can muster the courage to stand up in the face of overwhelming tyranny, then what the hell is stopping them?
Meanwhile, in the land locked-down under, the adults are doing their best impersonations of Miss Lashell – albeit with much stronger and more adult language. Maybe she just hasn’t learned the proper way to use these words yet.
Maybe the folks in Europe need to start taking cues from their Australian counterparts? Lockdowns appear to be poised to make a resurgence on the continent in lockstep with rising numbers of “COVID” cases, just in time for the start of flu season. Who could have seen that coming? Oh, that’s right – all of us who never bought into the corporate media narrative to begin with. Writing for the Epoch Times, Jack Phillips tells us Denmark to Re-Impose CCP Virus Restrictions After Ditching All Rules 2 Months Ago – Prime Minister. And just like that, a freshly polished jackboot is back on your throat, Denmark.
Are you paying attention yet, America? I keep asking this question because I still haven’t gotten what I consider to be a satisfactory response. It’s very similar to another conversation that took place recently.
We Don’t Need No Thought Control Anyway
The corporate media appears to be all-in on the “everything shortages” narrative, but I have to wonder how many outlets are talking about this particular shortage? I’m expecting this trend to continue in Seattle, as well as spread to other parts of the country shortly.
Perhaps this is how the transition to virtual instruction of the government’s children will ultimately materialize? You know, once the Internet of Senses(IoS) has finally been cemented into place. If the predator class has their way, that is, and ushers in their new and improved technocratic paradigm. While some seem to think technology holds the answers for the problems we all face, John and Nisha Whitehead offer a stark warning for all who fail to recognize the Metaverse is Big Brother in Disguise – Freedom Meted Out By Technological Tyrants. Providing that they can manage to complete the digital gulag before the public realizes what is happening, that is.
But even some of the people who have been duped into believing the fiction of the climate con marketing campaign are beginning to discover some of the cracks in the façade of the official narrative. Featured by Consortium News, Timothy A. Wise attempts to explain Bill Gates’ Magical Thinking on Agriculture, and has great difficulty accomplishing that goal. How much longer will it be before the climate true believers realize they were only pawns in this game from the very beginning?

I mean, according to Paul Ehrlich’s “seminal” work the Population Bomb – published in 1968 allegedly as a dire warning to all of humanity – Great Britain was supposed to have been wiped from the face of the Earth by the year 2000. So obviously these people know what they are talking about.
Veterans’ Armistice Remembrance Day Potluck
Before we called it Veterans’ Day here in the United States, it went by other names – and in some countries around the world, it still does. But November 11th has always served to mark the end of one of the bloodiest periods of human history. Philip Roddis helps us remember.
Some themes have a way of weaving themselves into the fabric of history, even though we are supposed to believe that events separated by decades have no relevance to one another. Featured by the Centre for Research on Globalization, an interview with author and researcher Edward Curtin – whose work has been featured in this blog previously – teaches us There is a Direct Link Between JFK, 9/11 and COVID-19. And plenty of familiar names and faces make an appearance in the course of this particular lesson.
Finally today, survival skills have a habit of revealing their true value during the times you might least expect it – typically, some sort of unforeseen emergency. And in those times, the individuals possessing those skills tend to succeed at the business of staying alive more than those without them. Returning to the Organic Prepper, Aden Tate take the time to show us How to Use a Compass and a Map(More Awesomely Known As Shooting an Azimuth). Some may consider this to be a very basic skill set, but I’m willing to bet most of us weren’t taught how to this – either in public school or otherwise.
Well, we did it! Against the odds the powers that shouldn’t be have deliberately stacked to oppose us, we have managed to survive yet another week of COVID Clown World. It seems like the more of these weekly victories we can continue to stockpile, the easier the path ahead of us will become.
By no means am I indicating that I think the footing will become more stable or easy to navigate in the weeks and months immediately ahead of us. Indeed, I expect the predators to double – and even triple – their efforts as more of us step out of our trauma-induced shells and begin standing up to their coercion and manipulation. But I do believe that we ultimately hold the power to be able to steer this world in a positive direction, not them.
I figured out for myself quite some time ago that the only way to manifest positive change in this world – in this experience that we call life – is start by making changes in your own life. By being the example of the changes you want to see in the world. You cannot expect anyone else to anything that you are not willing to do for yourself. And I think understanding that one concept – and actually incorporating it and practicing it in your daily life – is what allows all of us move forward in that positive direction.
But as my ex was all too willing to point out over the course of our now defunct relationship – if it can even be called that at this point – I’m just some crackpot on the internet. So why should anyone listen to me? But then again, I stopped listening to that noise a long time ago. And since then, the world has made infinitely more sense to me – even with all the insanity.
I think we would all be served well by learning to trust ourselves instead of allowing others to keep us in a state of mental and emotion bondage. Hopefully my daily ramblings provide you with at least a little inspiration to take those steps for yourself. I remain convinced that we are all extraordinary people, and all we have to do is stop tuning into the noise and start believing in the signal inside of ourselves.
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