I hope everyone had a safe and mostly uneventful holiday while we were on a brief hiatus yesterday. I haven’t yet come across any stories of children finding syringes or other foreign objects in their diabetes treats, so I suppose we can count that as a victory. Given the current climate in the corporate media, I would expect them to use any and every tool available to perpetuate and feed off the fear they generate in their audiences. Maybe they’re saving the good stuff for tonight’s broadcasts? It is selection day, after all.
Speaking of broadcasts – it’s Tuesday, so that means there’s a new episode of Grand Theft World available. This week, Rich and Tony welcomed special guest Stefan Verstappen to the show to discuss solutions we can begin working on right away to prepare for what appears to be coming our way in the near future. If you were too busy begging for candy on Sunday night, head on over to grandtheftworld.com – or whatever platform you prefer – and get yourself caught up.
Full disclosure: I was fortunate enough to be invited to participate in the beta version of Stefan’s course, and I can report back to you that this course is densely packed with valuable insight and information you won’t find anywhere else. And the best part is the price! They could easily charge ten times more for this material, and it would still be well worth the money. So pick up your copy of the Complete Guide to Forming Communities today to get started building the world you want to live in. Or better yet, find a couple friends who share the same vision, and take advantage of the group discount!
And don’t forget about the GTW Town Hall tonight at 7pm Eastern time. Tonight we will be answering the question of whether or not Tony finally got some rest. Not to give away any spoilers, but I’m pretty sure I already know the answer. The only way for you to find out is to become a member and join us tonight for all the fun! It really is better than any of the garbage programming the corporate media is putting out right now. And we don’t even try to control your mind subliminally, either.

Alright, I think that’s enough shameless promotion for one Tuesday. Let’s get to it.
How Many Tiers Does A Society Need?
Queen Jacinda of New Zealand is not the only tyrant trying to reshape society in the wake of the scam-demic. Monsanto parent company Bayer – which was also once known as I.G. Farben – is leading the charge for a 2-tier society in Germany. Didn’t they already try this about a 100 years ago? And in the same country?
Make no mistake about it – this is what the world will come to look like if the majority of the population continues to do nothing. And that is exactly what the predator class is counting on. Showing us another glimpse from the path that lies ahead, ZeroHedge reports Shanghai Disneyland Sparks Chaos as 33,000 Visitors Locked-Down, Forced to Undergo COVID Testing – after a single positive test result at the park. Pay particular attention to the fact that visitors to the park were forced to submit to testing – not to be allowed into the park, mind you, but to be allowed to leave. Unfortunately, the article does not state what happened to paying customers that refused to be tested.
While multi-national corporations are treating their patrons like livestock, the poison death shot mandates are now beginning to reach their enforcement deadlines all over the globe. The Centre for Research on Globalization tells us 26 New York City Firehouses Closed Due to Vaccine Mandate Short Staffing, which accounts for nearly 30% of all firefighters for the municipality. But wait… there’s more! The land locked-down under is also marching in lockstep to the technocratic rhythm.
The Quiet Part Is Getting Louder
If the predators have their way, it won’t be long before dissent is prosecuted as a criminal offense. Some will claim that I’m being hyperbolic and reactionary with that prediction. That’s fine – everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if it’s wrong. My shoulders are strong enough to bear the criticism. And I think my readers are smart enough to make up their own minds.
This is the effect that the campaign against “hate speech” was always intended to produce. And now it is beginning to spread out to more countries. Writing for Reclaim the Net, Cindy Harper relays the latest legislative developments in Canada – “Liberal” MPs Support New Internet Censorship Bill Where Hurtful Content is Targeted. The framework used to define “hurtful” content will obviously be broad enough to allow those in power to use it for targeting whomever they might deem a threat to their hegemony. You know – because politicians are the only people adult enough to determine how you should or shouldn’t behave. I mean, it’s difficult to argue with the examples provided by our current overlords, like the aforementioned Queen Jacinda.
Serious question: was it rude to ask the question? Or to refuse to answer to it? I understand that context is always necessary, but there seems to be an ever-increasing amount of examples of selected officials acting like exasperated parents who are chastising impetuous children. Remember what the Big Guy said about his patience with the American people?
The Transhuman Agenda Keeps Rolling Along
The independent media continues doing better work than their corporate counterparts in uncovering the real motivations behind the scam-demic, and with a lot less funding. Great Game India reminds us why we should always be careful about what we put into our bodies, as well as who is telling us to do it.
Now, if memory serves correct, Stephane Bancel was the same man who was the CEO of BioMerieux when they were contracted to build the facilities in China which would become known as the Wuhan Institute of Virology – the alleged birthplace of the coof. How fortuitous then that he should be in charge of the corporation tasked with creating the cure for the alleged virus. Late last week, Whitney Webb joined Ryan at TLAV to discuss the luck of the multi-billion dollar biotech company that had never before in its history brought a successful product to market – and a lot more.
Not to be ignored, Christian Westbrook continues his own work of exposing the unfolding transhumanist agenda over at Ice Age Farmer. I – for one – am very happy to see Christian getting back to a more regular publishing cycle. He even got a shoutout from No Agenda‘s Adam Curry on their last show. Good of you to finally join us, Podfather.
We All Need To Laugh, Now More Than Ever
Finally today, we missed out on promoting good times and memery yesterday, so let’s take a moment to see what got skipped because I was focused on other projects. And if you – like me – weren’t able to tune in for Benny Wills’ Meme Monday last night because you were busy recording your own pirate radio show, you can catch the replay down below.
A quick update on Liberty Radio – Fenix & I got together last night to record the second episode, and it went off mostly without any hitches. After the requisite post-production editing this afternoon, I will get it posted to our Odysee channel and Fenix will get it up on our Flote channel. Posts on the various social ghettos will follow shortly thereafter, of course. We are currently exploring other platforms for additional distribution, as well as refining our show structure to provide even more value for all of our listeners.
This week’s episode will introduce a new segment where we feature independent artists and provide a spotlight to shine on their work. I’m not gonna give away who joins us for the premiere of this new portion of the show, so you’re just gonna have to keep an eye out for the link to find out who it is. Better yet, head on over to Odysee or Flote and subscribe to the channel so you don’t have to wait for me to tell you the episode is live.
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