Well, we did it, my friends! We survived another week of COVID Clown World – another seven days of the most absurd reality any human could possibly imagine. It seems like there should be a point of diminishing returns, doesn’t it? Like there should come a time where the current level of insanity is not only no longer sustainable, but actually begins to cause the deterioration of the entire system that propagates it.
Or maybe that is exactly what we are witnessing. Perhaps this is the period where the endemic rot of the current system reaches critical mass and starts to bring the whole damn structure crashing down all around us. Or maybe that’s a part of the plan as well: to make us believe that everything is so utterly and completely out of control that we will clamor for anyone or anything that appears as though it may offer salvation from the chaos.
History teaches us that despots and dictators have previously used periods of perceived chaos to consolidate power and prop themselves up under a foundation of strictly centralized control. Will we finally learn the lessons the universe has been attempting to impart to us over the millennia, or just fall into the same familiar patterns we have always known? I suppose only time and patience will reveal the answer to that question.
So let’s do what we can to help speed time along, and get to the work of discovering what our technocratic overlords are up to today.
Helter Skelter? Or Just In Time?
Most people living outside of the Capitol Beltway in the Unites States have likely never heard of the MITRE Corporation, and wouldn’t know that the company has been a Department of Defense contractor for decades. I suppose that puts me into a unique position. I have personally encountered several employees of the company in my lifetime, and none of them have been willing to talk about the work they do.
The rollout of COVID movement licenses has – thus far – been as disastrous as any massive marketing failure in human history. Great Game India turns their spotlight on one European nation’s epic failure as Scotland’s Covid Vaccine Passport Scheme Is An Unmitigated Disaster in Just One Weekend. Personally, I see two different ways to view this particular debacle: 1) this is yet another glaring example of the inefficiency of human bureaucracies, or 2) this is a deliberately designed clusterfuck meant to usher in the “solution” of the Rockefeller Foundation-funded CommonPass. Maybe it’s supposed to be both?
It does appear that all the dominos are beginning to line up nicely for the predator class, doesn’t it? It’s almost like copious amounts of human suffering and loss of life were part of plan all along.
Destroying Lives For Fun & Profit
We learned yesterday that the FDA’s advisory panel unanimously approved human experimentation of Pfizer’s unproven medical treatments for children aged 5 to 11. But what the majority of the public is ignorant of is the extent that the regulatory group is controlled by the pharmaceutical industry.
Here’s an interesting wrinkle I stumbled upon while scrolling through the Twatter feed last night: back in June of this year, the FDA quietly approved medication that can used as a blood thinner for children. This caused me to ask an obvious question when I first read it, which is “why do children need blood thinners?” The press release states that the newly approved drug was for the treatment of “venous thromboembolism – a condition where blood clots form in the veins.” How convenient for Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc – the makers of the pediatric blood thinner Pradaxa – to already have a product to treat the major side effect of the experimental gene therapy injections that were just approved for children aged 5 to 11.
While there are still many other unanswered questions regarding the institutional steps taken during the course of the scam-demic, each day seems to bring the details into a little clearer focus. Whitney Webb continues her investigation into the “divine” intervention that saved a floundering biotech company who had never previously brought a successful product to market despite having billions in investment capital to draw from.
Keep in mind that not all “miracles” are of divine origin.
Following The Technocratic Script
A well-known trick of the predator class is influencing the public to view the leaders of industry and finance as some sort of exceptional prognosticators capable of seeing the future before it happens. The trick part of this scheme lies in knowing that the people making the predictions are also responsible for fostering the conditions that will engineer the very outcomes they forecast. In his latest post for the Economic Collapse blog, Michael Snyder points out that the CEO of Blackstone Is Warning That “a Real Shortage of Energy” Will Cause Social Unrest All Over the Planet. If you are capable of reading between the lines, I would advise acting accordingly.
Some localities around the world appear to know – or at least suspect – that Mr. Schwarzman’s scrying glass is delivering reliable information, and are beginning to prepare for a world of increased violence with less human intervention available. New York City is one of those places.
Finally today, I’ll leave you with something to puzzle out over the weekend. Well, my weekend – which starts at COB today – not everybody’s weekend. I know, I keep odd schedules, but they seem to work for me.
The framework for Big Brother is being organized piece by piece, and slowly enough that the public won’t even notice until the process is finished. Reclaim the Net’s Dan Frieth highlights the latest development in the construction of the panopticon as U.K. Spy Agencies Sign Massive Deal With Amazon’s Cloud Division, Report States. It appears that Amazon is angling to be the one-stop shop providing web hosting and cloud services for the world’s most prominent intelligence agencies, and some privacy watchdogs are taking notice:
“This is yet another worrying public-private partnership, agreed in secret. If this contract goes through, Amazon will be positioned as the go-to cloud provider for the world’s intelligence agencies. Amazon has to answer for itself which countries’ security services it would be prepared to work for.”
Gus Hosein, Privacy International
Perhaps they already have. Keep in mind that Amazon is already the exclusive web service provider for the Central Intelligence Agency in the United States. This move would bring both the top-level American and British intelligence services’ cloud infrastructure under the same digital umbrella. Thanks to the work of researchers like Richard Grove, James Corbett and others, we already know that the CIA and GCHQ have been inextricably linked since at least the late 1940s.
Is this just another business deal? Or is this new agreement setting the stage for the next evolution of Cecil Rhodes’ Commonwealth – the model for a world united under the framework of the British Empire? And doesn’t this also put a vast amount of collected intelligence data into one conspicuous basket? We might get an answer to this question if Amazon suddenly and unexpectedly becomes the target of a coordinated, crippling cyber attack at some point in the near future. Dismiss that thought if you want, but I can point to many stranger things that have happened in this world – and that’s just in the last 24 months.
Keep asking questions, and keep your wits about you out there.
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