It’s the final Tuesday in October! Do you know where your shameless self-promotions are? I’ve got mine right… hey, where did it go? I had it just a minute ago… hang on.
Here it is! One week shy of an entire calendar year, episode 51 of Grand Theft World is up for your weekly conspiracy therapy session. In this episode, Rich is joined in the T&H studios by a few special guests in honor of the host’s 48th birthday. It’s not too late to send your birthday wishes, either.
It’s also not too late to get in on all the fun of this week’s Town Hall. Tony has really been on a roll as of late. I wonder if it has anything to do with the sleep deprivation he keeps gritching about? Anyway, you have to be a member to find out what I’m talking about. So stop procrastinating and join the community today! The discord server alone is worth the price of admission, and there’s so much more value just waiting for you to discover it.
Also, I should have the premiere episode of GTW: Liberty Radio up on the interwebs later today. Stay tuned to the social ghetto channels for that announcement. Alright, I think that’s enough for one day – let’s get to it.
The Doobie Brothers Would Be Proud
If you spend your “free time” only consuming the pabulum spooned out by the corporate media, you might not know that the majority of Western nations appear to be on the brink of open revolt. Even Switzerland is rising up in opposition to the experimental gene therapy injection mandates. I’m still waiting to hear if the protestors have reached Davos.
And while the natives’ restlessness explodes at an exponential rate, Western governments’ grip on potentially embarrassing document leaks continues to grow weaker. It’s almost like they keep trying to hide information they know will upset the public and failing miserably. Or those documents are being leaked on purpose to rile people up.
And as all kinds of chaos appears to be crashing down all around us, another critical blow has been dealt to the official COVID-1984 narrative. Featured by the Centre for Research on Globalization, Dr. Denis Rancourt leads the research team that has just published their findings regarding the Nature of the COVID Era Public Health Disaster in the USA: From All-Cause Mortality and Socio-Geo-Economic and Climatic Data. Now, admittedly, I’ve never been accused of being a scientist – which may eventually turn out to be a blessing. But if there is a single document that can demonstrate how the scam-demic numbers in the United States have been gamed to support the coof narrative, this might just be it.
Are The Flies Coming Home To Roost?
Today is indeed a momentous occasion for the Memory Hole. For the very first time in our short history, Dr. Death receives his own spotlight segment. I would imagine that – by now – Tony Fauci is probably not the biggest fan of Natalie Winters’ tireless work ethic. I am, though.
But wait… there’s more! Who am I kidding? There’s always more when it comes to these psychopaths. The corporate media will undoubtedly attempt to spin the attention being focused on the nation’s highest-paid public official in an effort to deflect things like blame and accountability. The problem they are likely to encounter is that the now infamous “beagle experiment” is just one example in a long trail of devastation courtesy of Dr. Death. Great Game India provides more details for us.
Sometimes, in order to keep moving forward, we must face the most unpleasant aspects of our nature and our perceived reality. This is true for individuals as well as groups. In his latest investigative report, Leo Hohmann confronts our technocratic demons directly in order to understand Why Fauci and the Global Cabal Insist Your Children Be Injected for ‘Protection’ Against a Disease That Poses No Threat to Their Health. This is definitely an appropriate story for the end of October – only this tale is based on actual events. And we’re all a part of the cast, whether we realize it or not.
Tuesday Potluck With A Dash Of Corbett

In case you haven’t noticed, the pivot to climate fearmongering from COVID fearmongering is already well under way. Writing for the activist website Common Dreams, Andrea Germanos – if that is her real name – does her best to convince us that Armageddon is around the corner in the article Humanity ‘Way Off Track’: WMO Says Atmospheric Carbon at Level Unseen in 3 Million Years. I find it interesting that nowhere in the article is there any mention of atmospheric modification or weather manipulation contributing to the trend of rising temperatures. I guess those activities have less to do with our impending doom than cow farts do.
This might be a silly question – especially in light of the previous article – but has anybody else noticed a dramatic uptick in seismic activity around the world? Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes can be disastrous on their own in many cases, but now ZeroHedge reports Taiwan Earthquake Interrupts Micron Semiconductor Factories. Considering that Micron and Taiwan Semiconductor are responsible for creating the overwhelming majority of the world’s computer chips, this could be an obvious sign that this particular link in the supply chain just became that much weaker – and in a hurry.
Finally today, well-applied knowledge is always one of our best intellectual defenses against manipulation. James Corbett and NYU Professor Mark Crispin Miller share methods for identifying propaganda in the wild, and what we can do to shield our minds from its effects.
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