One thing I think we can all agree on is this: the COVID-1984 psy-op has been anything but boring. Contrived, egregiously marketed, and evidently diabolical – absolutely, but never boring. Each day seems to add another new wrinkle to the narrative fabric. And speaking of wrinkles, as I promised yesterday, I do have an announcement to make – but I will save that for the very end. That’s called a teaser.
Other matters demand our attention for the time being, though. So let’s get to it.
The Week That Was Sets The Stage For What’s Next
Let’s kick off today’s festivities with a trip down memory lane, courtesy of our friends over at Off Guardian.
And speaking of wrinkles, apparently we’re allowed to say just a little bit more of the quiet part. Recent revelations in the corporate media may reveal the reasons why discussing the connections between EcoHealth Alliance, NIH and the Wuhan Institute of Virology was strictly forbidden in “polite society” for the last 18 months. ZeroHedge tells us EcoHealth Throws NIH Under the Bus Over Wuhan Gain-of-Function Report; Researcher Claims ‘Massive Cover-Up’. So Vanity Fair is the outlet that gets to make the big reveal to the public for the information the rest of us have known since April 2020? And for some reason, people still question why I’m so suspicious of the “independent internet research team” known as DRASTIC. Go figure.
Indeed, it seems that the American public may be the last remaining barrier between the anger of the population and the predator class. Other Western nations have been and continue to make their voices heard. The protests haven’t stopped after several months, so neither does our coverage of them.
If you were wondering what the near future may hold, look no further than the United States most favored trade partner. ZeroHedge reports that the world’s second largest economy is entering “Emergency Mode” – China Warns Covid Outbreak to Worsen in Coming Days. Remember that the last time a “surprise outbreak” started in China, mass hysteria quickly spread to the rest of the world. Is this how the predators plan to shut down international air travel for good? Or maybe this is the domino that starts the global economic implosion?
Past Is Prologue When Nations March In Lockstep
Cases are rising as flu season begins? Clearly, nobody could have predicted this. Not in China, and apparently not in Austria, either. Sorry, I forgot that you can’t see me facepalming.
It’s almost like world leaders have received some sort of signal that it’s time to rile up the public again. Meanwhile, in New Zealand, Queen Jacinda’s decrees are no longer the quiet part.
Back in the United States, the authorities are busy sacrificing able bodies hand over fist as emergency services employees are giving a metaphorical middle finger to the illegal mandates issued by the criminals in power. But don’t worry, our beloved CDC Director has a final solution for this particular problem.
History Repeats, Rhymes And Sometimes Scats
Too often, it seems we fall into the trap of thinking that the problems we face are new – and therefore require novel solutions – just because it is the first time we have personally encountered these obstacles. Sometimes, we are led to believe this because it’s how a pre-engineered solution is going to be marketed to us.
This illustrates just how dumb the predator class believe the rest of the population to be: a new report from the Rockefeller Foundation reveals the problems with our current methods for feeding ourselves, especially in the United States. Writing for the Centre for Research on Globalization, researcher F. William Engdahl exposes the Sinister Rockefeller Food System Agenda – They Created It and Now Want to Destroy It. Of course, the Rockefeller report conveniently avoids revealing that the Foundation itself was instrumental in creating the same problems it is now proposing to solve.
As the article points out, you will find contributions from sources like the World Wildlife Fund(WWF) – you know, that widely-recognized champion of local agriculture(sarcasm intended) – but not a single independent farmers’ organization was allowed to contribute to the report. I mean, what would farmers even know about sustainable practices for growing food, anyway?
Finally today, have you encountered any of the commotion surrounding the website deagel.com in your journeys around the interwebs? In the latest episode of Questions for Corbett, James riffs on the enigmatic website, and explains why it should only be considered with a healthy dose of salt… and skepticism.
Loose Ends & An Announcement
For months now. I have been threatening my audience with expanding the content offerings from Manufacturing Reality Media, the start-up I concocted almost 9 months ago. At that time, I began to realize that the only way we would be able to begin solving the problems we all face is by identifying the sources of those problems, exposing them for all to see, and then working actively to correct them. That is why I spend so much of my own time railing against the corporate media, and the trance-like state of hypnosis they are paid to induce in the population.
This blog was the first step in achieving that goal. The next logical step – in my mind, at least – is to counter the spellcasting being perpetrated by the predator class with the natural astringents of freedom and knowledge. Therefore, it gives me great pleasure to announce that – this very evening – myself and the man known as Fenix Aurora will be launching the newest member of the Grand Theft World media family! And the logo looks a little something like this, for now at least:

This is not corporate radio. This is not National Propaganda Radio. This is pirate radio – unscripted and unadulterated! This is radio for the freedom community, by the freedom community, broadcast far and wide for anyone and everyone screaming out for freedom and liberty.
You can join us for the inaugural livestream tonight on the Flote Channel. Since this is our first broadcast together, you can witness all the fits and starts associated with getting a new property of the ground, and laugh along with us as we fail forward into this new media landscape. The only way to get better at something is to just do it, and we’ll be doing it in your earholes starting at 7pm Eastern.
[WE NEED YOUR HELP! Manufacturing Reality Media been growing, and we would like that to continue. If you find value in the work that we do, you can support that work here – with custom subscription options now available! No amount is too small, no gift is too large. All of it goes toward helping manufacturingreality.org continue our pursuit of breaking the parasite media narrative and the agendas of the predator class. And we do appreciate all of your support.
And don’t forget to do all of the things – like, share, & subscribe! It really is something simple you can do to help us. And it drives the AI nuts.]