“In order to have a plot, you have to have a conflict, something bad has to happen.”
-Mike Judge

I know I’m not the first person to make this observation, but the question has crossed my mind about whether or not Mike Judge is some sort of modern day prophet. Either he has been acutely tuned in to the maladies of the human condition since at least the 90s, or he has a unique ability to look into the future and report back what is waiting up ahead of us on the road. Even Beavis & Butthead had its oddly prescient moments mixed in with the headbanging goodness and pop culture complacency.
Maybe one day we will erect statues of him in honor of the wisdom he was attempting to share with the rest of us, in his own special – and often hilarious – way. Imagine walking down a cobblestone stone path in a park, and at the end of that path you can just make out the giant bronze visage of Butthead staring back at you through the foliage, sneering just a little. In honor of one of our greatest prophets from history, no less. Would that really be any more absurd than what we are currently witnessing on a daily basis?
30 years ago, if someone had laid that same scene out to me as one of our possible futures, I would have firmly told that person they needed mental help – and likely would have started moving quickly in whatever direction was away from them. Today, I’d probably just nod my head and allow them to keep talking. But maybe that just speaks to time’s ability to reveal the truth hidden in all things. Even in the corners of reality that appear to be the easiest to dismiss as frivolous.

The moral of this rambling intro – if there is one – is that the real world is often much stranger than any fable we can concoct to try to explain it. The threads and narratives we discover today may well become the legends and myths of tomorrow. Since the bare minimum just won’t cut it, let’s get to it.
The Commonwealth of Idiocracy
Here’s something that might be news to you – Antifa has an Australian chapter. I wouldn’t have guessed it on my own, but it kinda makes sense given recent events in the land locked-down under, doesn’t it?
Maybe Aussies should count their blessings that the only things the Brandon regime is looking to import to their country are nuclear submarines. It could be much worse. For example, in the former U.S. colony of Afghanistan the population was struggling even before the abrupt military withdrawal, but ZeroHedge reports that now Starving Afghan Parents Forced to Sell Children to Survive. Who saw that coming? Maybe they/them/those who built the infrastructure to facilitate human trafficking in the first place.
But fear not, this story won’t last long in the public consciousness – they never do. One of the reasons why is there’s always another engineered crisis in the works to divert the public’s attention from what they’re not supposed to see. You know – like whether or not our benevolent overlords will allow us to have Christmas this year, and what we’re supposed to believe it will look like if they do.
All three of the countries highlighted so far in today’s post share common traits, but how many of us would immediately recognize one of those traits being the influence of the former British empire? In the sun never sets on the Commonwealth news, a new book exposes the reach of that empire throughout its history. ZeroHedge provides a brief introduction to this work in Only 22 Countries Have Never Been Invaded by Britain. Currently, there are over 190 recognized nations in the world. The vast majority of those nations – as they exist now – can trace their origins back to occupation by the British. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence, though.
Something Bad Has To Happen
On the heels of the reported uproar allegedly caused by the “Facebook whistleblower,” newly drafted legislation has miraculously appeared in the U.S. Congress. Reclaim the Net’s Didi Rankovic informs us House Democrats Want to Make Big Tech Liable for “Harm” Caused By Its Algorithms. Once again, it seems the nanny-state is perfectly poised to swoop in and rescue us dimwitted citizens from a problem that it created in the first place. How would we ever manage to survive without their mercy?
Regular readers of this blog will recognize that I don’t often feature work that is heavily politicized; or that if I do, there is usually a good reason behind it. However, I do find it useful to pay attention to the ideas that are being pushed by these types of outlets. For example, Common Dreams and Andrea Germanos are featuring a new piece that tells us Coalition Urges Biden to Make ‘Transformative Change’ in Approach to Global Food and Agriculture. This “coalition” proposes that U.N. agencies – a.k.a. the Club of Rome – need the support of governments to accomplish their goals. Quoting the letter that was allegedly sent to the Brandon regime(all emphasis is mine):
“The CFS[Committee on World Food Security] in particular addresses some of the most challenging and central issues facing rural communities, and develops policy guidelines and scientific research for national governments through an inclusive process that provides producers, workers, and their frontline constituencies an autonomous and institutionalized ‘seat at the table,’ therefore providing critical political legitimacy to this multilateral space.”

And of course we are supposed to believe that all of this is necessary because we – as lowly common people – are unable to govern ourselves or even control our own behavior, and we are rapidly destroying the planet because of it. Hell, in just a few years, we will be completely out of food because we’re so stupid and greedy. According to the repeaters of the corporate media.
By now, it should be obvious to even the newest members of this audience, and to anybody paying attention, that the primary tool employed to control the behavior of the large populations is fear. The corporate media uses this tool exclusively for the benefit of their financiers, and to the detriment of everyone else. Writing for the Foundation for Economic Education, Jack Elbaum illustrates how fear has been harnessed to steer public opinion over the course of decades in 3 Environmental Doomsday Myths, Debunked.
Not that I believe my audience is in need of evidence to prove these concepts of manipulation by the corporate media, but James Corbett chimes in with his own research to back me up anyway.
Sometimes You Just Have To Laugh At All Of It
Luckily for us, there are plenty of folks supplying humor, ridicule and satire these days. Like Benny Wills and his Meme Monday show on YouTube. Every Monday at 10pm Eastern time Benny brings us an hour of the dankest memes from the last week, and shares his own unique viewpoint from his corner of COVID Clown World. I tune in every week to get my medicine, and I would urge you to do the same. You can join the fun tonight and every Monday by clicking this link. I’ll be there tonight, and we might even be joined in the chat by James Evan Pilato – or maybe even Richard Grove!
But until the sun sets tonight, we’ll just have to make due with the latest from Off Guardian – fresh off of a well-deserved holiday!
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