That was terrible; I’ll do better next time. It will make sense by the end of this post, I promise. Yes, I know I have a twisted sense of humor.
I had originally intended to make a point with the intro for today’s post. Then I listened to the end of this week’s episode of Grand Theft World where LD takes time out to thank everyone for allowing him to be part of such an awesome media production team and community. I was so blown away by his expression of gratitude that I completely forgot what I was even going to make a point about. Thanks, LD.
Life is like that sometimes. When we least expect it, something incredibly profound will sneak onto our radar and prompt us to reevaluate in real-time what we thought we had already grasped firmly. So before we get started today, I just want to take a moment to thank everyone who keeps feeding me with positive reinforcement for the work that I do. Without your encouragement, I probably would have given up on this blog weeks ago. You help keep me going just as much as you say that I help you. So, massive thanks to each and every member of the MRO audience.
Speaking of GTW, it is shameless self-promotion Tuesday! If you’ve been waiting for the drop, go get you some!
Also, big thanks to Rich for the shoutout and the kind words this week. I’m still figuring out how to take praise graciously, no thanks to 15,000 hours of public school indoctrination. I will eventually get better at it. Also, stay tuned for that GTW spin-off Rich talked about this week. I have a source that tells me some details on that project may surface soon.
The Encroaching Prison Planet
While the corporate media is busy attempting to get the public to focus their gaze on the shiny coin that is Southwest Airlines, the gulags are being established – both literally and figuratively. Australia would be the most obvious example. However, not everyone in the land locked-down under is on board with medical apartheid.
Even though prominent members of the Australian legislature are voicing their opposition, the government continues to prepare “ongoing operations” for housing individuals “who have not had access to vaccination.” That’s not an ambiguous designation at all, is it? At least we know this will make the Wagner Corporation very happy.
Following up on yesterday’s report from Rome, more footage has emerged of the violence authorities are employing against protestors of digital movement licenses. I find it interesting that these clashes began materializing after Boss Pelosi’s visit.
A couple of weeks ago, I was talking with a friend about an essay by John C. Dvorak regarding the variance in response to the scam-demic among the Five Eyes countries. That conversation eventually turned to Cecil Rhodes and his vision for a global commonwealth based on the British model, and how that relates to the events we have witnessed thus far. My friend then questioned why the article did not include any information about South Africa, and I explained it was because they weren’t part of the Five Eyes network. But maybe even that doesn’t really matter, after all.
This ADE Does Not Help Anybody
If – like me – you have been tracking the progression of the experimental gene therapy injections and their measurable effect on the population, then you are likely already familiar with Antibody Dependent Enhancement(ADE) and the potential negative outcomes this condition can create. But what you might not know is that this effect is being tracked by an obscure U.S. Department of Defense program. Featured by the Centre for Research on Globalization, Mike Adams tells us AI-Powered DOD Data Analysis Program Named “Project Salus” Shatters Official Vaccine Narrative, Shows ADE Accelerating in the Fully Vaccinated With Each Passing Week. This appears to be the worst-case scenario Dr. Robert Malone has been warning about for months. Share this information with anyone you know who might still be on the fence about taking the jabby-jab. It might just save their life.

In you will own nothing and be happy news, the framework of the global taxation scam continues to be erected under the noses of the people – who will be subject to it whether they are aware of it or not. ZeroHedge reports Global Corporate Tax Deal Spares US From Imposing New Tariffs on EU. As it currently stands, the agreement would see the new global minimum corporate tax framework take effect by 2023 – which just happens to be the same target for rolling out Central Bank Digital Currencies(CBDCs). What a fortuitous coincidence for the central banksters.
An integral part of this new global financial system will be the enhanced ability of corporations and governments to surveil the behavior of ordinary people, and reward or punish them accordingly – a.k.a. social credit. And right on cue, the motives behind last week’s Facebook “whistleblower’s” begin to come into focus. Reclaim the Net’s Didi Rankovic illustrates why the FB “whistleblower” Saga Has Propelled Push for Social Media “Permits”. That doesn’t sound anything like a digital passport, does it? Now where have we heard of something else like that lately?
The Corporate Media Was Built To Sell Illusions
And a lot of people are programmed to throw their money at them. That is what our consumer culture is all about, after all. It is also why those of us who choose not to participate need to share what we learn with each other. This is how we will make that system obsolete. On that note, the hardest working Canadian in independent media is back – and he’s got more solutions to share with us.
Times of civil crisis can cause all of us to alter patterns and habits we established for ourselves long ago. Sometimes these necessary behavioral changes call for us to sacrifice elements of our lives specifically designed to provide comfort. This is a known component of human history. Writing for the Organic Prepper, J.G. Martinez explains some of the reasons why So Many Things We Take for Granted Change During a Crisis. There are a multitude lessons we can take away from Venezuela’s recent history and apply to our present moment, and the author relates what he discovered from his own experiences navigating economic and societal collapse.
Finally today, while it’s not necessarily a solution, let’s take a cue from nature and chill on our nuts with some jazz for a bit. I’ve spent quite a bit of my own time the last several years observing the behavior of squirrels, and I remain unconvinced that they are just stupid animals. Indeed, this one appears almost sublime.
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