“There is reality(whatever you believe it is), and there is ‘reality,’ which dictates how our societies function. ‘Reality’ is constructed(i.e. simulated), collectively, according to the ideology of whatever system controls society.”
C.J. Hopkins, from the Covidian Cult(Part III)
It may sound cliched, but it feels like it has been much longer than a week and a half since I last sat down to bang out a blog post. I suppose that’s how it should feel, though… right? Nothing worth doing was ever accomplished without at least a minor amount of discomfort, or so I have been lead to believe.
You may have noticed that some things have changed here at manufacturingreality.org. Rest assured that you are perceiving things correctly. This is a result not only of our recent location change, but also due to the continued input of the audience. Keep those suggestions coming, dear reader. This is our story – yours and mine – and we need your assistance to keep telling it. So before I get lost in another philosophical diatribe… it’s been too long, so let’s get to it.
The Globalist War on Common Sense Continues

Maybe you’ve heard of this country officially formed in 1948 that goes by the name of Israel. Among other notable accolades, Israel is currently regarded as being one of the “most vaccinated” nations in the world against the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus. So they should be doing pretty good by now, right? Great Game India informs us After Portugal Now Sweden Bans Travelers from the Most Vaccinated Nation Israel. Well, that escalated quickly.
And almost as if on cue, or right on time if you’re following along in the script, ZeroHedge informs us Israel’s ‘Coronavirus Czar’ Tells Citizens to Prepare for Eventual 4th Shot. Based on the early optics, it appears the majority of the country’s citizenry are prepared to start lining up for however many shots their government instructs them to get. So much for learning the lessons of history, I guess.
I think most Israelis – and even people in relatively free countries – would be well-served by digesting Edward Curtin’s latest piece for Off Guardian, which traces the long and winding road of the corporate media’s manipulation of the public. Have you been hoodwinked into believing that being ultra-connected is the opposite of loneliness?
The Panopticon is Already All Around Us
While the corporate media has spent the last 18 months beating us over the head with every human pathogenic fear imaginable, everybody knows the real threat is the infodemic. Luckily for us, the WHO(World Health Organization) Has EARS? – according to Jeff Thompson and the Organic Prepper. Looks like I can finally stop blogging, y’all! The WHO has got this misinformation thing on lockstep.
As an aside: is it considered bad form to use emojis in a blog? Asking for a friend.

And just like that, science fiction stories like Minority Report inch ever closer to becoming reality. Writing for the self-proclaimed progressive website Common Dreams, Julia Conley reveals the Planned Expansion of Facial Recognition by US Agencies Called ‘Disturbing’. “Planned” as in this is what you should expect for the future, not “planned” as in this may or may not happen. Maybe it’s time to start paying attention?
Speaking of the encroaching global biosecurity surveillance state, ZeroHedge checks back in to report “Medical Drones” Deployed Over Italian Beaches Search for Feverish People. Depending on what you regularly pay your attention to, you might be surprised to learn this is not the first time this idea has been proposed. A TechSpot article from March 2020 details exactly how this technology is meant to be employed, using the once and future penal colony of Australia as the proving ground. Yes – that Australia.
How Did We Get Here?
It has been a protracted journey to reach this moment in history. It began quite some time ago.
Speaking of not exactly being the CIA, the most closely guarded secret in government is the level of endemic corruption. And as David Mack explains in his new article for BuzzFeed – Her Leaks Exposed Global Financial Corruption. Now She is In Prison – no good deed ever goes unpunished. That is especially true when we’re talking about people who expose the financial shenanigans of the predator class. Does this mean BuzzFeed News is transitioning into being a legitimate news organization? And if so, does that make them officially trans-news?
Finally today, maybe this has happened to you: sometimes, in the course of trying to determine the truthiness of reality, you stumble across a substack so imbued with genius you have no other choice but to share it. That happens to be the exact circumstance I found myself in while scanning the latest post from Bennett’s Phylactery, #9: Evils & Designs. The author – whomever they may be – provides an immense amount of insight on the current state of our manipulated collective reality, as well as some first steps you can take in your own life to begin unplugging from the matrix. On a personal note, I can tell you that some of these recommendations absolutely do work.
It’s Good to Be Back
As you may have already noticed, there have been some changes to the website and the blog. Hopefully they meet with approval as we move forward together in this brave new manipulated reality some of us call COVID-1984, Clown World, or any of a number of other colorful rubrics. Your feedback is always welcome whenever any of these changes are implemented. Comments on the site are still disabled while we attempt to figure out why they aren’t working, but you can always contact us directly with constructive input.
Never assume that your idea isn’t good enough, or that somebody else may have already suggested it.
If you made it this far, here’s a bonus link: Patents by Inventor Richard A Rothschild. Of particular interest might be the System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 – filed on May 17, 2020 and granted on June 1, 2021. It’s kind of like looking into a crystal ball to see what the future holds.
[WE NEED YOUR HELP! We’ve been growing, and we would like that to continue. If you find value in the work that we do, you can support that work here with a donation – with subscription options coming soon! No amount is too small, no gift is too large. All of it goes toward helping manufacturingreality.org continue the pursuit of breaking the corporate media narrative. And we do appreciate all of your support.]