In my opinion, the United States has been fulfilling the title of today’s post since at least the 2000 Presidential selection, and probably even earlier than that. You remember that, right? It was the first time in my lifetime that the people were demonstrably removed from the selection process so the correct puppet could be installed on the stage we call the White House. That inevitably led to the Inside Job trauma programming and the ensuing alpha-wave army pushing the agenda forward. When you can manage to separate the pure evil of the intent behind it and just focus on the deliberate pace and planning of the social engineering that has taken place, it really is quite brilliant.
But evil is as evil does, which is why we need vehicles like Grand Theft World to catalogue the manipulations of the predator class; so they don’t become obscured and subsequently wiped from history, as has happened so many times before. The latest episode of the time capsule is up, and it’s a doozy.
And as is customary for the beginning of Tuesdays’ posts, we take a moment to give some shameless promotion for the most important podcast/online community in the known universe. The amazing individuals behind the work being done in the GTW community are providing some of the most relevant information around, and you’re missing out by sitting on the sidelines. You could be one of those amazing people. Stop limiting yourself, click on this link, and join me and the rest of the community in documenting all of this garbage for future generations. Somebody’s got to do it; it might as well be us.
You Become What You Consume

It took longer than I would have liked, but we finally have our first report on the U.N. World Food Systems Summit. You know, that gathering of globalists from last week that the corporate media resoundingly ignored. Writing for the Centre for Research on Globalization, Jake Johnson informs us Coalition Slams UN Food Summit for Peddling “Corporate-Led False Solutions” to Hunger. Even the U.N.’s own special rapporteur on the right to food was wise to the performative conference:
“The summit is being led by scientists and research institutes who are pro-corporate sector. People say, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt, let’s see if it is the ‘people’s summit’ it is claiming to be. But they have failed in what they had set out to do. It is not the people’s summit. It is elitist.”
-Michael Fakhri, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food
And from the engineered food shortage, we transition to the engineered energy shortage. It turns out Britain and Europe are not the only locales facing “tough choices” on power consumption heading into winter. ZeroHedge reports Millions of Chinese Residents Lose Power After Widespread, “Unexpected” Blackouts; Power Company Warns This Is “New Normal”. There’s those magic words again. It’s funny, but as I read through this article, I couldn’t help but notice the stunning parallels between the most powerful “capitalist” nation on the planet and the most powerful “communist” nation. It’s almost like they’re really not that different at all – or different sides of the same coin.
A Boot Stamping On A Human Face… For Ever
Meanwhile, In Australia… Can somebody please get Dr. Chant’s handler on the phone?
The corporate media doesn’t want to tell you this – you know, so it doesn’t accidentally give you any ideas – but it’s not just the Australian truckers that are fed up with institutional tyranny.
And just like that –*snaps fingers*– vaccine passports are back on the table in the United Kingdom. That was much less than the 6 months I expected it to take.
Not that those of us paying attention could forget about it at this point, but every single day brings us that much closer to the completion of the biosecurity state. Even though facial recognition technology has been widely criticized for fundamental software flaws and reporting inaccuracies, Reclaim the Net’s Ken Macon informs us London Police to Rollout “Retrospective Facial Recognition,” Scanning Old Footage With New Invasive Face Recognition Tech. Make no mistake, this is but one of the automated mechanisms that is being designed to erase your personal freedoms of movement and association – whether it’s actually you that the algos identify or not.
As The Scam-Demic Turns
Harvard continues its appointed role as a leader in American academics, though probably not in the manner most of the students or faculty would like.
About a year ago at this time was when I first remember hearing about ivermectin. I vividly remember siting at the dinner table at my prior undisclosed location and explaining to those in attendance that night that I had heard from my sources there was a treatment beginning to show promise in fighting the alleged virus. Keep in mind, this was well before any of the experimental gene therapy injections had been given a regulatory green light. Two of those in attendance and listening were children in their early teenage years, and I did notice that they were giving their full attention to my reporting. Then 6 months passed with little to no follow-up.
Flash forward to today, and we are now all aware of both the award-winning antiviral treatment as well as the corporate media/Big Pharma smear campaign against it. There’s always a reason behind these things, especially when profits are involved. In the latest gambit to capitalize on the media-induced hysteria around the coof, ZeroHedge tells us Pfizer Launches Final Study for COVID Drug That’s Suspiciously Similar to ‘Horse Paste’. Is anyone still willing to debate that this entire charade hasn’t been about maximizing corporate profits? I’ve still got some open slots on my calendar.

Finally today, I have a question for you. If we were to conduct a legitimate poll of the American people right now, I’m curious what percentage would respond that the tyranny we have been witnessing from nations like Australia “could never happen here?” I employ this particular phrase because of the frequency I remember hearing it from my own childhood as an ordinary American kid. In his latest always brilliant blog post, Leo Hohmann points out that the CDC Claims It Has Authority to Use Police to Do Everything You See Going on In Australia; and Congress Agrees. As Leo indicates, and I have also previously stated, the “camps” are already built and ready to go. Do you still think this is about a novel virus?
I was going to end today’s post on that question, until I heard James Evan Pilato – Top Jimmy if you’re nasty – remark on Media Monarchy this morning that Mercury is going retrograde for the next four weeks. Some of us are already well aware of the significance this holds for the predator class. For those that may be strangers to the movements of celestial bodies and what they portend in regards to geopolitics, just know that this is not a good thing. A retrograde Mercury has a history of ushering in all kinds of unforeseen chaos, and the predator class rarely misses an opportunity to take advantage of this energy.
I have a feeling it’s going to be an October the likes of which we haven’t seen for quite some time.
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