Did you have a chance to absorb any of the 8-hour FDA hearing before it was effectively scrubbed from social media? If not, I’ll try to find a viable link this week and post it to the links page. There were some entertaining and highly spicy moments from the physicians that participated. I found myself chuckling quite a bit.
Well, it’s Monday again. So let’s get caught up, and then get to it.
The Future of Food?
For those who may have chosen to live under a rock since the beginning of the COVID-1984 global marketing campaign, it may come as a shock to learn that the predator class will be meeting in New York this week to decide the fate of the global food supply. James Corbett helps us get up to speed on the major players for the U.N. World Food Systems Summit, as well as some of the reasons why allowing them to dictate this vision to us is a very bad idea.
I’m already starting to see a trend this week from the independent media, as many outlets are turning their attention to stories revolving around the food supply. A new column from the Foundation for Economic Education informs us Congress Wants to Copy Some of the EU’s Worst Food Rules. That’s a Bad Idea claims author Bill Wirtz. Make no mistake about it – all of these assaults on the food supply are straight out of the Agenda 21 central-planning playbook.
Since we’re on the subject, does anyone know what is going on with Christian Westbrook – a.k.a. the Ice Age Farmer? It’s been at least a month since his last report. DM me on one of the social ghettos if you know what’s up.
Speaking of the food supply, did you know the predator class wants to start putting their experimental gene therapy into literally everything you put in your body? Just when you thought they couldn’t possibly screw things up any worse than they already have, the faint murmurs of “hold my beer!” begin trickling in.
And while the corporate media continue to take their payouts and pretend that none of what they regurgitate is orchestrated behind the scenes, the Church of Scientism gaslights their acolytes as a New Study Analyzes Implementation of Agenda 2030 Personal Carbon Allowances. Makia Freeman dissects the new article from predator mouthpiece Nature Magazine, and reveals the links between the COVID psy-op and the Climate Con. Spoiler Alert:

Predators Behaving Badly
In case you were wondering, or missed the last month and a half of blog posts, Australia is still a penal colony. Apparently, it was Dan Andrews turn to say the quiet part out loud.
Actually, they behave badly most of the time. It’s just that we don’t know about it because that footage routinely gets destroyed or otherwise prevented from entering the public’s consciousness. Isn’t it interesting, though, that this photo happens to emerge on election day in the Socialist Republic of Canada?
In I refuse to pull my head out of the sand news, some people simply refuse to believe that a multi-national tech monolith would stoop to manipulating public opinion for profit. Fortunately for the willfully ignorant, Facebook Won’t Respond to Accusations It “Asked Fact-Checking Partners to Retroactively Change Their Findings”, according to Reclaim the Net’s Christina Maas. This reminds me of when I was younger, and foolish enough to indulge in such things. I didn’t much like getting caught in lies, either.
I also remember when I considered the inside of my personal vehicle to be like a mobile oasis, where I was the ruler of a tiny patch of paradise of my own design. Apparently, the predators are coming for that, too – which, I imagine, surprises nobody. ZeroHedge reports In-Car Cameras Are Now Watching Everything You Do. Surely systems such as these will never be used to punish the driver – you know, typically the vehicle owner – for improper behavior. Imagine paying tens, or even hundreds, of dollars for the privilege of being nannied by algorithms.
A Glimmer of Hope, or Just More Hopium?

My best guess says the corporate media is probably not going to tell you about it, so I suppose I have to be the one to do it. Writing for the Epoch Times, Enrico Trigoso tells us Thousands Gather at ‘Freedom Rally’ in New York City to Oppose Vaccine Passport. Thousands is better than hundreds, but it is still not enough. How much longer do you plan to wait, America? What is the level of discomfort you will refuse to tolerate from your rulers?
I don’t remember what I was listening to over the weekend – and if you recognize the sentiment and where it came from, please let me know so I can give due credit – but I heard someone make the point that the United States is effectively the bellwether for freedom for the rest of the world. I hadn’t given it much thought previously, but I find myself firmly in agreement with this notion.
If this were not true, then people would not have risked life and limb for generations to come to this country. Or bring their families to this country. The United States has always represented the greatest of human potential, regardless of the appearance created by our oligarchic rulers. If we, as a nation, don’t strive to protect the liberties that our forebears fought so hard to obtain and maintain, then we run the risk of watching them evaporate before our eyes.
The people of this world still believe in freedom primarily because the United States has always provided the example to prove what is possible in a free country. If we allow that to be taken away from us, then I think we deserve whatever form of slavery follows. How much worse will you allow things to get before saying enough?
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