The interesting thing – to me – about doing a regular blog like this is how events can appear so radically different from one day to the next. Even when the subject matter remains the same. It’s been a crazy week already… let’s get to it.
Here a Jab, There a Jab, Everywhere a Jabby-Jab
We’re gonna start off today by getting the obvious out of the way, and addressing the bullshit elephant in the room. After much dissection and debate, it appears that approval of the experimental gene therapy injections by FDA did in fact happen – according to the released documents. However, these things are rarely what they appear to be.
If you actually took it upon yourself to read the published approval documents, you likely have no real understanding of what you read. Unless, of course, you regularly spend your time reading and translating these types of legal documents. Fortunately for us, Leo Hohmann digs into these documents in his latest blog post: FDA ‘Playing Bait & Switch’ With Americans, Tricking Them Into Believing Shots Currently Being Offered Have Been Granted Full Approval When They Have Not.
However, you should never accept one individual’s opinion as fact. Investigative reporter Jon Rappaport also checks in with his analysis of the alleged approval, as well as a strategy for potentially side-stepping gene therapy mandates – at least for the time being.
While the repeaters of corporate media assist the high priests of Scientism with their marketing objectives, there is a hot new product about to hit the market that you are deliberately not being told about. Straight out of the eugenics labs of Cold Spring Harbor, a new pre-print published at BioRxiv proposes a novel pharmaceutical treatment for pathogenic antibodies created by the alleged virus and vaccines. That’s mighty convenient timing, isn’t it? It kinda sounds like an admission to me.
I have heard more than a few people asking lately how it is that we came to find ourselves in this total clusterfuck we’re expected to believe is reality. How did we transition from the scientific method being a tool for discovery to the subjective tyranny of fanatical Scientism? Writing for the Foundation for Economic Education, Kai Weiss reiterates a 40-Year-Old Warning on How Humanity’s ‘Unbound Confidence’ in Science Can Undermine Reason – and Lead to Collectivism. Considering the prescience of his thoughts from several decades ago, I am incredibly curious to know what Hayek would have to say about these times of ours.
Meanwhile, In Australia… (this joke is also starting to be not so funny anymore)
They just love the international spotlight in the land locked-down under. So much, apparently, that they’re not even marking the quiet parts of the script anymore.
And another Aussie provides the admission that what we are viewing on our screens is, in factuality, mostly theatre. Reclaim the Net and Cindy Harper report Former NBA Star Andrew Bogut Says Celebrities Are Being Paid to Encourage Lockdowns on Social Media. Obviously, there will be people who will claim Andrew is just fabricating the story for attention. While not out of the realm of possibility, he is also not the first celebrity to make this claim in the last 18 months.
The Tangled Web of Power

Speaking of claims and admissions, the corporate media would have you believe that human trafficking is merely a memory from our barbaric history – you know, just like slavery. I wonder what they will have to say about this ZeroHedge report that Instagram Fuels 70% Rise in Online Grooming of Children: UK Charity. My guess is they won’t say anything at all until pressured to do so.
Don’t take my word for it, though. Find out for yourself what a DHS whistleblower has to say on the matter. Last night, while we were in the middle of the Grand Theft World town hall, James O’Keefe and Project Veritas dropped this bombshell: BREAKING: DHS Insider Blows Whistle on International Child Sex Trafficking Gangs Exploiting ‘Reasonable Fear’ Loophole… Is it just me, or does it seem like the information floodgates were flung open this week?

Did somebody mention government malfeasance? Oh, that’s right; I did. In my observations of human history, it seems that all authoritarian regimes need a boogeyman for the public to fear. Sometimes the threat to the public is genuine. The rest of the time, 3-letter agencies and their handlers keep themselves busy like this: FBI Informant Ran ‘Neo-Nazi Group’ Atomwaffen Division, Got ‘Paid Handsomely’ to Radicalize Troubled Youth. We all gotta have hobbies, I guess.
Rounding out this collection of narrative-fracturing articles, Johnny Vedmore does a deep dive on cultural influencer Curtis Yarvin and his family’s connections to the Anglo-American establishment. What he uncovers might just surprise you.
Take Your Power Back From The Predators
Ever-growing numbers of people all across the world are waking up to the reality the rest of us have been living. Every day more people begin to understand how they have been manipulated by the Cathedral and its Renfields. Many of these people desperately want solutions to our current dilemma. I am one of those people; you might be as well.
Whenever I stumble across good information that I think can advance the pursuit of those solutions, I do not hesitate to share it. Fortunately for us, outlets like Off Guardian are also more than happy to share their knowledge, too.
Finally today, with all the confusion swirling about the experimental gene therapy injections and their maybe-yes-maybe-no approval from captured regulators, how do you go about protecting yourself from possible harm? Well, outside of buying your own private island and founding a government of one, Lifesite News has compiled these Resources for Fighting Mandates Against COVID Injections, Masks, & COVID Tests. I have scanned through a few of these recommendations, and would suggest that you might want to do the same.
After all, applied knowledge is wisdom. And wisdom is real power – the power to manufacture your own reality.
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P.S. If you made it this far, here is a bonus link. Not bonus as in it’s something of great value for the brave and the bold. More like bonus as in it didn’t really fit anywhere else in today’s post, but still contains a wealth of information. Cheers!