Greetings and salutations from the belly of the beast; also known as Washington D.C. – for however much longer it stands. Which, judging by the actions of the current regime, is a finite number due to expire soon. For this reason and several others, will be relocating to a new undisclosed location in the very near future. More on that later. First, we have some shameless promotion to get out of the way.
The new episode is live on Grand Theft World. You don’t have to be a member to watch or listen to the podcast, but there is so much more available to members than just the new weekly episodes. We pass around articles, wisdom, and some of the dankest memes in the world on our Discord server. We get together on Tuesdays to discuss these insane times with each other in real-time. And new features are being created and added all the time. Don’t wait until GTW supplants JRE as the biggest podcast in the universe, get in on the ground floor by joining today!
Alright, let’s get to it.
The Grand Chessboard is Being Reset

With each passing day, it becomes clearer to me that what we have been witnessing as news from Afghanistan is just more theatre for the duped masses. Apparently we’re supposed to believe the situation is so dire over there that the nation’s top spook had to be called in. ZeroHedge reports CIA Chief Met “Secretly” With Taliban Leader on Monday. Which is not the least bit unusual, unless you also find yourself coming up blank when trying to remember the last time a CIA director was tapped to negotiate with an enemy faction that just filled a power vacuum we deliberately created. That was a mouthful.
Now, it does make perfect sense when you realize that Afghanistan supplies the raw materials for the overwhelming majority of the international heroin trade – which coincidentally funds most of the agency’s operations. Great Game India offers further evidence that fighting international terrorism was never the objective in 10 Secret Files Exposing the True Nature of the Afghan War. I guarantee you won’t see this information anywhere in the corporate media. How do I know that? Because the man that originally published it is currently in a cage.

If you are new to the whole Great Game/Black Market Drug Trade underbelly of international geopolitics, have I got a treat for you. Author F. William Engdahl provides us a wealth of historical data points in his new blog post entitled the Afghanistan Debacle, Zalmay Khalilzad and the Great Reset. If you don’t know, then go ahead and learn you some.
Your Body, Their Choice
The corporate media is flooding the airwaves with the proclamation of “approval.” While there still seems to be no consensus among the independent research community regarding the verbiage used in the redacted approval document, Herr Fauci decided to take himself a victory lap.
And as all the little Eichmanns in our current politburo start salivating over their new dictatorial powers granted by the FDA, Great Game India informs us COVID-19 Patients Who Refuse to Self Isolate Will Be Sent to Jail for 5 Years in Mississippi. Well that escalated quickly.
While American fascists begin the construction of their own 2-tier society, their Australian counterparts are already three steps ahead of everyone else. Kit Knightly wonders if the government is pushing its citizens too far too fast. I have been wondering the same thing.
Does anyone even remember how this all started at this point? The answer is yes, and some of us are still trying to get to the bottom of this mess. As the authorities are busy polishing their jackboots, a new clue has emerged from the lab in Wuhan. Now we just need to find a place for it.
All the News That Fits, None That Informs
In a new piece for the Organic Prepper, D.P. Friesen explains How Data Manipulation is Used to Support the Desired Narratives. Some of you already know this, as do I. But don’t kid yourself, the corporate media employ these tactics every single day. The average news broadcast contains less factually provable information than any randomly chosen Hollywood feature. Maybe one of these days I’ll get around to producing a break-down video of all the elements of manipulation in a standard news “program.”
There is still actual journalism being done today. However, it’s your responsibility to track it down – according to the acolytes of the predator class. But surely they live by the same rules they are attempting to impose on you, right?
On the heels of yesterday’s article about Google paying mobile carriers to prevent any challenges to its app store, Reclaim the Net pulls the veil back a little further. The new article from Didi Rankovic, Sources Allege Apple Threatened to Pull Funding From Projects in Georgia If Faced With Antitrust Legislation, is but the latest example of how the Big Tech monopolies operate.
And finally today, we have a first-time appearance in the hole from Tech Zim, who delivers the Bad News for South African Looters As Samsung Moves to Block Their TVs. If they can do this with their TVs, what makes you think they can’t do it with their other products? Imagine waking up one morning to find that you have been locked out of your Samsung phone, or tablet… or refrigerator. All because you didn’t get your latest mandated COVID booster.
But what do I know? I’ve only spent the last decade of my life in the telecommunications/personal electronics industry; during which time I’ve been paying particularly close attention to the maneuvers of corporations like Apple, Google, and Samsung. If you think a scenario like I just described is the stuff of fiction, then you clearly haven’t been paying attention.
I saw this coming back in 2013, when I first became involved with Verizon. And I can assure that they are far from done. This is just the beginning of the unveiling of the panopticon. And they haven’t even tipped a single one of the other cards in their hand yet.
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