“Only the dead have seen the end of war.” -George Santayana

Indeed it is. Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get to it.
All the World is Staged
The corporate media is desperate for us to believe that Afghanistan is a tragic failure, and it’s all your fault – just like climate change. While the events unfolding in that country are unfortunate for some, author Michael Snyder warns us on one of his blogs Afghanistan is the Thread That Will Start to Unravel Western Dreams of a “New World Order”. I would recommend grabbing your salt shaker before you dive into this one. I remain skeptical that what we witnessed over the weekend is anything but an actual defeat or victory.
Prophecies are all well and good, but they don’t explain what the situation actually looks like.
Looks like it’s [great] game on, then. Pepe points out that the clear winner in this debacle is none other than the arms industry. In a new article for Consortium News, Investors in US Weapon-Makers Only Clear Winners of Afghan War, Jessica Corbett appears to agree. A ten-fold return on investment is considered to be pretty good, right?
Those darn Watson boys over at Summit News are at it again, and the suddenly victorious Taliban are trolling Joe Biden. Well played, gentlemen.
Speaking of the miraculous victory of a ragtag bunch of rebels – no, we’re not talking about Star Wars – Noor Bin Laden shared some interesting comments on the situation with Steve Bannon.
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The markets have been crazy lately, right? It looks like that may not be ending anytime soon. ZeroHedge reports Palantir Buys Over $50 Million of Gold Bars: “Preparing for a Future With More Black Swans.” For those who may be unfamiliar with Palantir and what they do, you can start learning more about them here and here. Is this a signal that the controlled demolition of the global economy is about to enter the next phase?
And while we’re on the subject of controlled demolitions, school season is upon us again in the United States. John Klyczek follows the money trail to discover why teachers’ unions are so opposed to in-person education.
So What Can Us Ordinary People Do?
Outside of burying your head in the sand and praying like hell that the wave of authoritarianism sweeping the planet doesn’t see you, there’s is actually quite a bit you can do. One thing you can start with is deciding to call out this oppression in all of it’s forms(not just the ones that directly affect your life today), and using your voice to call it by name and expose it to others.
My man C.J. Hopkins illustrates another vector of attack in the information space.
And finally today, James Corbett gives us some insight for finding others that you can connect with, and maybe even join together for the purpose of building real communities.
At this point, I think it is stupefyingly clear that our elected leaders are not going to save us. Hell, all available evidence seems to indicate that they’re benefiting from our subjugation. After all, as the woman says, if voting changed anything it would be illegal.
That means it’s up to us to grab the wheel and try to get this runaway train back on the tracks before it starts to accordion from inertia. I’ll keep doing my part to get you the most relevant information possible, as well as providing my insight flavored with just the right amount of snark. I just need you to keep spreading it around, and we will eventually get to where we want to go – and hopefully without any of the predator class in tow.
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