Looks like we have a short post today. Most of the world appears hypnotized by the situation unfolding in Afghanistan. Why? Because otherwise they might be paying attention to the further erosion of personal liberties in alleged “free countries” in the Western world.
It really doesn’t matter which shell the peanut is under. The only hard and fast rule of the game is that the house always wins. Let’s get to it.
This Weekend in Tyranny
“Othering” is a common tactic used by tyrants to keep the public divided and fearful of one another. Writing for the Organic Prepper, Daisy Luther explains why Shocking and Dehumanizing Discrimination Against the Unvaccinated is About to Make Life VERY Difficult. This quick and dirty lesson on mass psychological manipulation should give us all a good reason to pause and reflect upon the bile currently being spewed on all sides by the corporate media. After all, who do you think stands to benefit from us being at each other’s throats?
Meanwhile, Herr Trudeau finally makes his move to end liberty once and for all in Canada, and usher in the technocratic biosecurity state.
Six months ago they laughed at us and called us names. They said we were “conspiracy theorists” and hurled less palatable epithets; and we were condescendingly told “that could never happen here.” Over the weekend, the critics’ silence became deafening as ZeroHedge reports DHS Bulletin Says Opposition to COVID Mandates is a Potential “Domestic Terrorism Threat.” When a government signals that its own citizens pose the greatest threat to the country’s security, it’s time for the people to start paying attention.

I’m still unclear if it is necessary to identify with all three exclamatory points to be considered a terrorist, or if just one will suffice.
When I Was a Kid, I Thought Blankets Came From Afghanistan
That’s because Mom called one my favorite blankets an afghan.
I suppose I would be negligent in my duties if I ignored the humanitarian clusterfuck taking place halfway around the world. James Corbett provides us with the meaningful historical significance of Afghanistan, and even invokes some Zbiggy Brzezinski. So this is where corrupt empires go to die…
It is downright spooky sometimes how it appears that James is reading my mind.
And amid the chaos erupting all over the country as the Taliban steadily marched to Kabul, Great Game India reports that Afghanistan President Fled Kabul With Helicopter Full of Cash and Loot Claims Russian Embassy. It’s good to know the Afghan president wasn’t just a high-priced puppet. According to an anonymous spokesperson from the Russian embassy, the scene looked something like this:
“Four cars were stuffed with money. [They] tried to fit all the money on the helicopter, but not all of it fit. Some of the money was left lying on the tarmac.”
All By Myself (AKA This Doesn’t Fit Neatly With Any Other Story)
A new book by Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies illustrates the behind-the-scenes tactics used by the Big Tech monolith in the aftermath of the 2016 election to ensure “this never happens again.” In her new article for Reclaim the Net, Cindy Harper tells us Google Whistleblower Says Google Altered Its Algorithm Against President Trump. This is not necessarily news; this is simply confirmation of what we already suspected based upon available evidence. So I guess that means educated guesses are no longer necessary.
A Few Loose Ends to Deal With

I know that sometimes it seems like there’s not much going on to improve the blog. I just want to take a moment to let you know that nothing could be further from the truth. Above is a sneak peek at how I would like the title to appear on all posts. This is essentially a rough draft – and subject to change – but I think it provides a decent representation of the image in my mind.
As soon as I figure out how to make it work in WordPress, you’ll be seeing this banner(or something very similar) on the regular. There are other ideas I am currently fleshing out to expand the content offerings here. Your input is always welcome and appreciated, and you can submit that input in whatever manner is most convenient.
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