“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” -Winston Churchill
I know, I know… Churchill was a misogynistic alcoholic, and allegedly a racist. That’s fine; it doesn’t diminish the wisdom of the quote, much. It was probably plagiarized anyway. Welcome back to the hole – let’s get to it.
Around the World in 80 Mandates
“I wish I knew how to quit you,” is what I imagine the Australian government says to the system of tyrannical rule it seems to adore. And it looks like things are going from bad to worse for Aussies.
Writing for the Burning Platform, Hardscrabble Farmer provides us with an eye-witness, boots-on-the-ground Message from France. While technically an opinion piece, it serves as a stark warning to the rest of the Western world. While every country may appear slightly different, this is what a 2-tier society will look like if we allow it to happen.
In other Bad-to-Worse news, they are messing with the supply chains again. Act accordingly.
Here at the Memory Hole, we pride ourselves on providing the most relevant signal in a sea of overwhelming noise. And there’s been a lot of noise lately regarding the practice of vaccinating the public during a scam-demic, or even a genuine pandemic. Many of the dissenting scientific voices have been referencing a peer-reviewed publication on this very subject as to why this plan of action may do more harm than good. That paper, entitled Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens, is fascinating reading if you can handle the jargon.
One Man’s News is Another Man’s Propaganda
Colin Todhunter explains how the strategy being employed to silence critics of the experimental gene therapy injection is eerily similar to how GMO critics were marginalized a decade ago.
And the playbook hasn’t really been updated much at all. Originally published in 2016, Swiss Propaganda Research illustrates how the vast majority of information presented to the public by the corporate media is tightly controlled by just 3 entities. In the Propaganda Multiplier: How Global News Agencies & Western Media Report on Geopolitics – updated and republished just before the onset of the scam-demic – the authors clearly expose what they term the “invisible nerve center of the media system.” Once you understand how the game is played, it’s control over you begins to evaporate like coronavirus in sunlight.

In a new column featured by Consortium News, rogue journalist Caitlin Johnstone outlines where those 3 international news bureaus receive their marching orders from, and how they spin it up to dupe an unsuspecting public. In How War Profiteers Manufacture Consent Caitlin shows why most “facts,” as presented by the corporate media, are really just other peoples’ opinions. When you get right down to it, the news media is basically just one big incestuous family.
And while we’re still on the subject of propaganda, the latest episode of New World Next Week brings us more information the corporate media would rather we not know about.
Tyranny Always Comes Disguised As Security
Independent media darling and experienced lawyer Jonathan Turley takes on the most recent unveiling of Big Brother infrastructure. He outlines the slippery slope of Apple being able to remotely scan your photos, and how he envisions that technology evolving in the Shadow State: NeuralHash and Apple’s Post-Privacy World. Out of all of his columns that I have read, this is one of the most concise as well as the most prescient.
In other Technocracy Rising news, Reclaim the Net has a two-fer for us. First, Cindy Harper informs us that Facebook Shuts Down Researchers Studying Instagram’s Promotion and Censorship Algorithm. I guess they were getting too close to figuring out how the digital sausage is made.

In the second report from RTN, Ken Macon informs us that Employers Want to Use AI to Monitor Employee Health in Realtime. Apparently maintaining a monopoly on your access to affordable healthcare is just not enough for some businesses. This begs the obvious question that, since corporations are so incredibly precise and efficient in every other one-size-fits-all practice they impose on their workers, what could possibly go wrong?
A Parting Shot at the Wexner Empire
Finally today, Leslie Wexner continues to be one of the most scrutinized associates of alleged human trafficker, and Bill Gates Fan Club member, Jeffrey Epstein. Whitney Webb gives us stunning new details about some of the lesser known history of the retail lingerie guru.
I have a feeling that once we gain a better understanding of the Epstein saga – however many decades from now that may be – there are going to be far fewer questions about how and why government/corporate corruption has been so easy to maintain for so long. Of course, it could also go the other way, and pose even more difficult questions to answer. Either way, this story does not seem to be going away; no matter how much some people may want that to happen.
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