History is Manufactured Every Single Day
The corporate media would have you believe not that much of interest happens on the weekends. As with the rest of their product, nothing could be further from the truth. Let’s get to it.
While it appears that heads may be about to roll again in France, other parts of the world seem to be going in a different direction.
Even the Philippines wants in on the authoritarian action.
The second largest province in Pakistan just announced that unvaccinated individuals can expect their social media accounts and mobile device SIM cards to be blocked by the government until they submit to the jabby-jab. And ZeroHedge reports some of the most popular vacation destinations in Mexico are now requiring tourists to declare their vaccination status. Interestingly enough to me, they point out that the Mexican state of Sinaloa is the most likely to follow the example of Quintana Roo.
Welcome to the Techno-Fascist Future, America

In We Tried to Warn You news, National Justice reports how a New FBI Initiative Will Put “Hate Crime” Quotas on Local Law Enforcement. You know, because they’re so incredibly effective in all other areas of law enforcement when quotas are involved.
Writing for Reclaim the Net, Tom Parker details the latest strategy to engineer Big Brother into existence: Google’s Jigsaw proposes real-time, cross-platform monitoring of “hate clusters” to “disrupt their reach.” It looks to me like Jigsaw is angling to officially become the Ministry of Information, or at least the architect of it.
And if you keep hearing the term “social credit” being thrown around, but don’t exactly understand what people are talking about, head over to Great Game India. They just shared an excellent video from RT that highlights all the important points, and makes the concepts easy to digest. Love the work GGI has been doing lately.
Don’t Believe Everything That You Breathe
Kit Knightly uses the “leaked” Albanian Pfizer contract to illustrate why the urge to believe potentially scandalous documents can often lead to increased confusion. And thereby frustration.
Giving a succinct history lesson for the Foundation for Economic Education, Lawrence W. Reed outlines some of the most widely-held misconceptions about the Nazis and Adolf Hitler in his article What the Nazis Had in Common With Every Other Collectivist Regime in the 20th Century. Did you know that some people actually believe they were capitalists?
Jeff Thompson crunches the numbers and exposes the reality lockdowns have created in Are Lockdowns Saving Lives? Or Are They Destroying Them?, over there at the Organic Prepper. If you happen to be feeling civic-minded, Technocracy News provides some helpful tips for what you can do to enact change in your own community, as well as effectively speak out for those who can’t… or won’t.
Alert the Affiliates… We’re Running Long Today
And you thought this weekend was boring.
Finally today, because we need to offset the insanity with some absurdity, I present to you from the Daily Mirror in the U.K.: ‘Time Traveler from Year 5000’ Claims to Have Photographic Proof of Apocalypse. Seriously, if you need a good laugh because of the daily psychological bombardment, this is your story. Spoiler Alert: he’s not really from the future!

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