“History is a relentless master. It has no present, only the past rushing into the future. To try to hold fast is to be swept aside.”
-John F. Kennedy
It Don’t Stop, Y’all, and It Just Don’t Stop
I wasn’t actually planning to publish anything today. I had intended to spend some time brainstorming for ways to expand the content offerings here on the blogsite. Then I powered up the ubiquitous screen, started scanning some headlines, and realized my plans were being usurped by those damn predators again. I guess we might as well get into it.

Not to belabor the point, but the corporate media really doesn’t want you to know about the protests that have been going on all over the world recently. So let’s spend a few moments on that subject then.
Truth in Media produced and excellent segment on the demonstrations in Spain from this past weekend, as well as all of the others. However, it appears that the shared story from blacklistednews.com may be one of the few places on the internet where it can still be viewed. Upon inspection earlier this morning, links to the segment on the source website only produced a 404 Error page, and Archive.org did not display any backed-up versions of the URL. Even attempting to access the Truth in Media website returns the same results as of this publishing.
Meanwhile, Piers Morgan is still a tool of the predator class and – if I may be so bold – a garbage human.
Over at the Foundation for Economic Education, Brad Polumbo points out Despite ‘Delta’ Alarmism, U.S. COVID Deaths Are at Lowest Levels Since March 2020. And he’s got the numbers to back it up. ZeroHedge drops another bombshell about the migrant detention camp at Fort Bliss in Texas, as whistleblowers are coming forward with details about child abuse and abject incompetence at the facility. I don’t believe I’ll be supporting Servpro with my money at any point in the near future.
Investigative journalist Jon Rapport explains(for like, the 100th time now) on his blog how PCR has been used to deceive the public into accepting medical martial law. This time, though, he admits the CDC’s own statements into the evidentiary chain.
The one thing that has stuck with me through this entire operation is this: there doesn’t have to be an actual virus for any of this to have been possible. All that is necessary is for enough people to believe that there is a virus.
RTN for the Win!
The staff over at Reclaim the Net has been producing some quality work lately, keeping us informed on the latest developments in the tech sphere, and continuing to chronicle our deliberate descent into global tyranny.
Didi Rankovic sheds some light on a U.K. government plan in the works to “encourage” Britons to start eating healthier. And by encourage I actually mean bribe. I’m sure something like this would never be used for the purpose of social conditioning, especially by an unaccountable authority like a governmental body.
And Christina Maas makes a second consecutive daily appearance in our Memory Hole, reporting the story of a British historian and documentary filmmaker that Facebook de-platformed for alleged wrongthink without warning. My question is this: if Facebook didn’t bother to establish a line of communication with this individual, then how do they know what he was thinking? I guess the algos are even smarter than we’ve been told.
Or something. Seriously though, get off of Facebook.
Trade Me, Bro

Finally today, let’s focus our attention away from the obvious problems constantly intruding on our lives, and instead spend some time looking at potential solutions. While “prepper” is still used as a derogatory term in the normie lexicon, the rest of us have come to understand how this skill set will be in demand going forward.
In the article Bartering: Could You Live Without Money?, J.G. Martinez shares several strategies for constructing and navigating a local economy that operates fully exclusive to any form of paper currency. The Organic Prepper has quickly become one of my favorite websites because the information they provide is invaluable in terms of accuracy, as well as inspiration. And they’re just ordinary folks, like you and me.
Alright, I’m calling a lid on this post, man. And I am gonna take the day off tomorrow, and spend some time with family. Predator class manipulations be damned. Maybe you could think about doing the same. I’m not saying that you have to, or passing any judgements if you don’t. But sometimes it’s good to take a step back and remember why you do what you do.
Keep your wits about you out there. I’m sure there will be plenty to discuss the next time we get together.